by Mary 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • bebu
    Where is the scripture that says there are to be Christians that DO NOT PARTAKE in this occasion? Show me it please! Of course, it dosn't exisit. Instead it is based on reasonings that bounce through scripture like and acrobat. The membership is so sold on a physical promise of a happy earth, they totally reject the idea of becoming something spiritual, something that can only be for a few, something that is not logical for the masses.

    Powerfully said! Thanks for that.


  • upside/down
    One after another, people approached me and offered a hug with their happy-but-sorrowful smile (the, 'we're-so-happy-to-see-you-but-know-you're-a-gonner-because-you-don't-go-to-meetings-anymore' look - you know the one...) They asked in a concerned voice, "How are you doing?" to which I replied, "Fine!" and then proceeded to ask a question specific to their personal life. Every single last one of them forgot their concern for me, and launched into a monologue on their problems. I encouraged them with questions at the appropriate times... the fact that people were standing around 3 deep to say hi didn't stop the in-depth unburdening of their personal problems.



  • Bstndance

    My co-worker went to a memorial a few years ago. It was because one of her friends was a dub and wanted her to go. She said it was so boring and made no sense. She never went back.

  • 95stormfront

    Where is the scripture that says there are to be Christians that DO NOT PARTAKE in this occasion? Show me it please! Of course, it dosn't exisit. Instead it is based on reasonings that bounce through scripture like and acrobat. I was just thinking the very same thing the whole time I was there. If they were being such sticklers about doing it exactly as it was done, why are we here at all? Were their actually 16 million people "observing" during the time in which it was actually instututed. Where's the scriptural justification for everyone being there as "observers" if Jesus only instituted this "sacred covenant" amongst the apostles?

  • DannyHaszard

    Memorial evening Kingdom Hall protest Man protests Jehovah's Witness teachings

    Lowell Sun, MA - 28 minutes ago

    WILMINGTON -- Rick Fearon stood outside the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall just off Main Street last night knowing a daughter who will no longer speak to him ...

    Article Launched: 04/13/2006 11:39:07 AM EDT

    Man protests Jehovah's Witness teachings

    By ROBERT MILLS, Sun Staff
    WILMINGTON -- Rick Fearon stood outside the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall just off Main Street last night knowing a daughter who will no longer speak to him would soon be inside. That daughter, as well as several other family members, stopped speaking to Fearon a few years ago when he left the church and began speaking out about problems he sees in the Jehovah's Witness religion. A Jehovah's Witness for more than 40 years, Fearon now wants to inform people of accusations that the church does not adequately react to reports of sexual abuse of children, and charges the church's teachings on blood transfusions have needlessly killed Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. "I attended this congregation and never realized the problems they had," he said. Fearon stood across the street from the Kingdom Hall with about a half-dozen others in the hopes they would make those new to the church look into it more deeply. Those inside the Kingdom Hall were observing The Memorial of Christ's Death, in which they celebrate the death of Jesus on the first full moon of the Vernal Equinox. Those new to the church or not yet part of it often attend the observance, Fearon said. Fearon cites national studies and news reports on a growing sexual-abuse crisis in the Jehovah's Witness religion, which he says has not done nearly enough to keep pedophiles away from children. He also says the churches previous ban on members getting blood transfusions, and other confusing teachings about accepting blood have led to what he said are thousands of unnecessary deaths. He was joined by John Harris, of Norwood, who was one of hundreds of clergy-abuse victims who sued the Archdiocese of Boston. Harris, who said he was abused by Father Paul Shanley, said he settled with the archdiocese in December of 2003. He said he is fighting all religions and cults in which abuse is not adequately responded to, and that he is pushing for federal laws to make it easier to prosecute and prevent abuse. A man who answered the telephone at the Kingdom Hall declined comment last night.

    ---------------- Reporter Robert Mills Phone: 978-970-4717

    E-mail: [email protected] Letter to editor online form All Newspaper contacts page

  • mouthy

    , but to me religion is sacred and should be on a higher level of humanity.

    Must disagree with that comment...Religion truly has caused more trouble in the world than any other thing. I think a relationship with God is far more important. & You can talk to HIM ANYWHERE>>>>JESUS The Creator......

    Praise should be given to Rick Ferron..... He is a brave soul ( with the others who attended with him....)I met him at PA a few years back as he was just exiting bondage he & his wife does wonders to help release those captured by a false prophet....

  • delilah

    I'm glad you had so much fun at the memorial, Mary.....Better you, than I girl! I would have fallen fast asleep.....listening to an old man drone on and on. You are a good daughter.

  • Goldminer

    I stayed home and watched the hockey game.I went the last 11 years so I know exacly the routine,not bible-based if you asked me.


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