Brooke's night at the Memorial!

by ButtLight 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • ButtLight

    i have met - and I need you all to trsut me here - BROOKE IS PURE WOMAN beautiful, gorgeous and damn sexy - and has lovely kids and a great husband too, and her friend buttlight is too!

  • Oroborus21


    (ssshhh! I am trying to lure her out)


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Way to Go, Brooke!!!!!!!! You are one gutsy ex-jw. I thought you told me is Chicago that you weren't DF'd yet. That was a pretty good performance, but if u are avoiding the JC room, this could get you the call.

    Hey - I like some wine too - maybe we should all go and drink it next year. It would be hilarious if a bunch of apostates sat in the same hall and drank the entire glass when it got to them - those poor little ushers would have to keep going back up for a refill.....


  • juni

    There was probably an emergency elders' mtg. that night. They're trying to figure out what to do w/her.

    You go girl...................


  • ButtLight

    (ssshhh! I am trying to lure her out)


    Its not working lol, come up with something else! ( I thought for sure she couldnt pass that one up) If you dont start posting brooke, Im going to tell everyone what you did in Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait, that was me lol

  • greendawn

    That is a great photo, but I still can't understand why she went there just so as to spite the relatives by ignoring them? They are not worth considering at all.

  • JH

    If you've noticed, when it's about Brooke or Buttlight, the views exceed 500

  • ButtLight
    That is a great photo, but I still can't understand why she went there just so as to spite the relatives by ignoring them? They are not worth considering at all.

    Well you would have to know what her family has been up to, and the crap she has to endure from them, then you would understand.

  • ButtLight

    Brooke my friend, come on and post,

    Cause on this thread you are the host!

    One whole month, of not posting here?

    Way to long for you my dear!

    The picture you took, can tell no lie,

    You forgot to wear your suit and tie!

    Lose the bet and take a shot,

    Show them transgender, you are not!

    We know how big, your mouth can be,

    So let us know, is it he or she?

  • candidlynuts

    evidently, after chat last night with brooke.. her eyes are bigger than her mouth....

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