Hello all, I am a noob to the board. I was an occasional lurker here at this apostate site ;) Have been doing a lot of research and man I am supprised. Just so you know I am a MS and I have a lot to research still before I take a stand, want to have my ducks in a row. Was raised a witness and even remember the roumors of the whole apostate shake-up at bethel here in the US back in '80. I am married....at least until my wife finds out ;) I hope it won't turn out that way. I was a server at the memorial last night......I have to do more research before I make a decision about the proper thing to do there is as well. N E Way, let the welcoming begin..... BTW - AlanF - I really appreciate your articles....loads of info. Plus all the others who have done chron research and shared. regarding #12 Posting guideline Annoying the forum owner If you have a query or a complaint then send a personal message or email. This is my site and I can say or do what I want and don't need lectures from anyone who doesn't like it. If you don't like this then don't use the site. Sticking tounge out with thumbs in ears making jazz hands!!!!!!
noob in the house
by rassillon 17 Replies latest jw friends
#12 Posting guideline Annoying the forum owner If you have a query or a complaint then send a personal message or email. This is my site and I can say or do what I want and don't need lectures from anyone who doesn't like it. If you don't like this then don't use the site. Sticking tounge out with thumbs in ears making jazz hands!!!!!!
Oh boy, your in trouble now! Welcome!
Hi rass, welcome, I'm glad that you researched your religion and found out the inconsistencies. I'm, especially, happy that you were able to accept what you learned. Hopefully, you'll have a smooth ride out of there!
Welcome Rasillon, by doing research one can find a lot of unpleasant things about the Governing Body and their dogmas that's why they do all they can to discourage investigating by the JWs though they tell followers of other religions that they need to investigate their own belifs.
Welcome, rassillon. From your jazzy entrance, I'd say you've been lurking for some time. Served at the memorial, huh? I hope that causes any lurking elders more paranoia and grief. It's not just the congregation they have to worry about any more.
With the wife, respect her opinion and respect her pace. You took a while to come to your conclusions, she needs time to adjust as well. Try gentle probing questions to start, nothing alarming.
Oh, and be hubby-of-the year. As you become more apostate, also become more attentive. Listen to her NEEDS. Do the DISHESS. Buy her CHOCOLATE. Let her see the positive side of independent life.
Welcome Ras.
I recommend you get your hands on a copy of Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom -both through commentarypress.com Your local library might have copies too.
They will be hugh eye openers as we've all found to be true.
Welcome to the board.
Thank God I didn't have to serve last night. My last time serving was a couple years ago. As I faded I got downgraded to mere head attendant.
It's good to have your ducks in a row. Be cautious how you discuss and approach your wife and family. If you do it right you can save your marriage (if you want to) and perhaps even get your wife to see like you.
It isn't easy and it takes a well thought out plan but several here have undertaken the task - some in process others successful, still others unsuccessful.
I look forward to your insight.
Welcome and Best Wishes.
Welcome! If you've been a lurker here for a while, you know the drill!
Question for ya: What made you decide to de-lurk today, of all days?