A couple of months ago I attended a funeral with my wife at the local kingdom hall for my uncle. Its the 1st funeral I've been to and 1st kingdom hall in 5 years. I was a JW for 17 years and now I'm a Chrisitan.
I had an aykward(probably not spelled right) experience, I got this nervous feeling like I wasn't welcome even though no one but my parents knew of my straying path. Lets just say I was disappointed about the whole event, I was still in shock of my uncles death but just the way everything was said by the elder giving the eulogy. He talked about my uncles life for about 4-5 minutes. They were talking about his family and life, there were chuckles, laughs and cries of joy from our family as we reminisced about the trips we would take together.
Then for the next 30-40 minutes he gave this boring talk about JW beliefs and how my uncle knew what they believed. Well no sh*t he was a JW. But he tried to say he was an excellent brother and that well Jehovah will have to look at his time sheets to see if he is resurrected. How can they subscribe to this stuff? Well your loved one died ummmmmm he should be coming back in the next life, were not too sure yet but he'll get another chance to show GOD he is loyal.
Whats this life, a practice round?
What did Christ die for then? I thought he was made a mockery of, for what? Time slips and watchtower mag placements........
I knew in my later days as a dub I was missin something very special, didn't know what it was yet, but the relationship with Christ is what I needed and its exactly what I didn't see in any of the witnesses. All they could say is that THEY(only the witnesses) have hope my uncle will be back and thats it. Someone so boldly pointed this out to my wife.
The event was cold and just left me feeling my uncle was cheated and everyone in there was as well, whats a funeral if we don't celebrate the persons life!
I just think its sad so many lives are wasted on this crap, I pray God will have mercy and that somehow they can be a part of his plan.
Ciao and thanks for listening to my rant.