I'll tell you one thing that just got to me this morning. I was playing tennis and at around 9:30 my tennis partner and I looked up and lo and behold! 2 Witnesses were walking up the street. Both were well dressed. They were carrying magazines to the door----and I did say to the "door". Zombie-like, they rang the bell and stayed at the door for I believe close to 10 minutes! No one was obviously coming to the door and my impression the JWs didn't seem to mind. They were going door to door. Reaching people was not the ultimate goal. I drove off after winning the last set and they were still there. The truth is: JWs DO NOT CARE about reaching people. They only care about showing that they are at doorsteps, counting time.
What Can't You Stand About Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
The way they laugh at or EVEN complain about those who hide when they come to the door. Some old folks who may not of been playing with a full deck yet they laugh saying how they hid behind the curtain, lamp or whatever.
Even those who aren't playing with a full deck dont wanna speak to 'em lol
I hate their intolerance.
That they feel superior to other people.
I always liked fieldservice in the rural territory where you sit in the car while someone else was at the door. The longer they stayed the better we liked it. How many do you think had the real motive to preach to someone for the sake of Jehovah getting some praise? I didn't think of it at the time but now I know the real motive was to count time and do what the borg wanted.
Ken P.
Minimus, once an elder told me that by just walking down the streets, the JW's make Jehovah's name known.
They are witnessing just by walking through the streets.
Like the elder said, when Armageddon comes, these poeple will recall seeing witnesses walk their street....and they ignored them, so they will die...
Their smug attitudes make me sick. I see a couple of ladies at the bus stop holding up magazines sometimes. It's kind of creepy when you really look at their faces and the way they act--reminds me of Stepford wives.
"Just walking down the street", huh?? That elder's mindset is similar to what I've seen in the past from non productive "publishers of the good news".
The previous posts point out the JW"s reluctance to share in the ministry that the Watchtower leaders demand of them.
I don't really blame the individual JW's for this. Who really wants to go interrupt people and talk to them about religion anyhow? I really hated that too.
I blame the Watchtower culture, starting at the top, for pushing the idea of salvation through publishing activity.
What DOES bother me about many JW's is their slavish devotion to their organization, putting it ahead of family, community, and even themselves. It's not common sense, and yet they feel they have to keep pushing themselves to please men who tell them they are pleasing some "Jehovah" by so doing.
Yeah, that is the way the spanish jw do their time.
Everybody thinks that even if they don't speak with anybody they are givin testimony to the people driving.
That's how I made most of my time for the last two years.
I used to go out with regular pioneers and they didn't even made the attempt to talk to the people.
Gopher, NOTHING the JWs do is "common sense". Nothing!