I've just recently began to be around them. My mother-in-law for instance is very judgemental. I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that she's JW, but she really is!!! My mother-in-law didn't come to our wedding (at the Justice of the Peace), b/c she had witnessing to do at the time. Her son was very hurt by this. I found this to be wrong. I think it was solely based on the fact that she was NOT happy that her son was marrying a Catholic, and failed to even see me as a person. As time went on, she constantly drilled me, asked me questions as if to see if I was a "good" person. She offended me on many occasions and the more she questioned me, the more she realized that I was not as bad as she thought I was. In fact, I may have changed her view of Catholics. She is hypocritical of people. She would meet someone and judge them, if she found out that person is JW, her whole attitude toward them changed and the love bombing began. She thought that since I was Catholic, I was not worthy and that only JW women were good enough and holy enough for her son. I have through my actions and my way of being that I may be better than some of the JW sisters she knows. In fact, I'm better than she is b/c I never judged her for being JW, I see her as a woman and respect her for being my mother-in-law. I have NEVER offended her to her face or disrespected her in any way...She's a very helpful person and is underneath it all very nice. She's been there for me and we have great times together. I wanted her to see me for me. I also wanted her true self to come out and not what the WTS taught her to be.
She has open her mind up a bit since she's met me...this is what my husband tells me. I'm glad that I've made a difference in her b/c every bit helps...and not b/c I'm of a different religion, b/c that has NOTHING to do with it. Unlike her, I don't discriminate anyone based on their religious beliefs b/c I don't expect that to be done to me (Golden Rule).