this is what I did at the Memorial

by Synergy 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BluesBrother

    Hi Synergy.

    Welcome to the board . I am sorry to read of your past problems. I am sure that they are behind you now. You are one tough lady...

  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    Renee, Love what you did at the memorial, that took guts. I am so sorry about what you've been through. Great testimony, faith strengthening. We attend a non denominational church too, amazed at the unconditional love. Please keep posting, you'll help a lot of people. Keep us updated about the book, we look forward to reading it. - Love and peace, V Sky

  • Dismembered

    Welcome Synergy/Renee

    Welcome to the board. Great Post!


  • Synergy

    Well Hello Back Everyone!

    Thanks so much for the big welcome. Yes that is me giving blood in the picture. A little gross but I thought it was appropriate for my first post. No, I'm not married, divorced. I'll post more stories later, some are funny, some you need tissues for. It was one persons story on here that made me realize I wasn't crazy and she so nailed exactly my life and exactly how I was feeling that I cut and pasted it off this site and sent it to my family to show I wasn't the only one that felt this way. So I hope as I post it will help others to know they're not alone and that there is a wonderful, meaningful, NONdemonized life out there beyond what they've known. When I went to the memorial I actually felt sorry for the people in there that you could tell wanted to talk to me but were scared to.

    Well everyone, go out and have a great Saturday! Renee

  • Celia

    Renee: It always makes me shudder and weep (inside) when I hear of kids being abused and maltreated by their own parents. How can a mother or father do such things to their own kids ? These kids are abused by the persons they should rely on for protection....

    How do these parents explain their cruel behavior, once the kids are adults? Do these adult kids still have a relationship with their abusers, just because they're their parents ?

    You did great at the KH

  • Gill

    (((((((((Renee)))))) So sorry for your terrible childhood...HOWEVER!!!

    You've got some brass balls there, girl!!! I was bloody impressed with your Memorial 'experiences'! Well done!

    Hope to read more of your posts soon, oh and....WELCOME!

  • Pistoff


    A big WELCOME to the board; please stay, we need you here.

    You are a brave person.


  • Cellist


    Welcome to the board. I loved your Memorial experience!

    I'm sorry to hear about what you went through in the past. Hopefully it's all behind you now.


  • hartstrings

    Wow! Simply amazing! Great job standing up for yourself. I thought my wearing pants was a small stick in in your face. Your giving blood sticker was great!


  • WLG

    Thanks for sharing that! Keep it up!


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