A few questions for the JW folks monitoring the site...feel free to add...

by WLG 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • WLG

    I can’t help but wonder how it all works on the back end. Do you guys just kinda poke around looking for what’s up with the “evil apostates” from time to time or is it a constant thing?

    What I really wonder is how you rotate it around so none of the people checking on us get “stumbled”? You have to know time is getting short for you guys, at least as far as business is usual is concerned. Now you have “poztates” who aren’t even almost afraid to enter a hall. You have people in the organization, elders, servants, maybe even more “influential” people who are just waiting to come out with the biggest impact possible. So to the guy on rotation reading this…do you get one of the bigger rooms up there? How much do they let you read? Do you work in teams so the other guy can remind you what you believe?

    How long can you really go on trying to make people believe we’re just a little shy of demons? All I ever wanted was some real truth, and the only place I could get it was outside The Truth. The information age is here, buddy. You can’t shut people’s eyes forever. But in the end I guess it’s a good thing, because all the smart ones will have left and all you’ll be left to promote to the higher positions are people who couldn’t lead a horse to water…so I guess it all works out.

    Congrats on bagging the evil apostate Richie Rich, that had to be tough, I mean he’s only been posting his picture and where he’s from for over a year now.You guys may want to start reconsidering the whole “new light” approach and start telling the truth…at least a little…because it’s only bad karma to keep calling your organization “The Truth” if you’re not going to go along with the concept.

    As far as I’m concerned, check out the guy in the top left corner, that’s from me to you. See you at the meeting tomorrow!

  • Honesty

    I don't believe there is anything more to add.

    You summed it all up in one nice tidy little present, WLG.

  • freedomlover

    I've often wondered this stuff also WLG......

    Maybe they "deprogram" the droids at the end of the day of surfing through the apostate underworld. You know the dudes that are assigned to search for threads like Richie's are totally these little, weasely, nudges that have to wipe off GB s**t from their noses each night. HA HA HA!!

    I say we going trolling for TROLLS and whatever we turn up let's feed to the alligators! BWHAHAHAHAHA!!

    But, yeah, how can you read this information with all the facts and still believe in the organization?

  • gumby

    Ain't it gonna be cool when someone who serves "underhanded" like this for the society...such as apostate board monitors, crooked attorneys, or anyone else who is decietful in ways as this......comes to JWD?!

    Many of you have never heard of cassette tapes made by some who served closely with higher ups who left the borg Some of these stories were mind blowing. The one I knew of has died and never heard of apostate boards so his testimonies were at ex-witness conventions and on tape. Imagine one of these coming here! We've had some CO's, but none that worked on the "sly" that I know of.

    I imagine the board monitors for the society have to be cokebottle glasses wearin, nerdy, mindless little bastards with no backbone type of guys,....and who wear their pants up high and have cameltoes......or else they would lose monitors to the heathen apostate bastards on JWD



  • Elsewhere

    How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

  • sass_my_frass

    "You call that love?"

  • Poztate
    I imagine the board monitors for the society have to be cokebottle glasses wearin, nerdy, mindless little bastards with no backbone type of guys,....and who wear their pants up high and have cameltoes.

    OK What the HELL is cameltoes.....I'm a Canadian ehhh... OOPS....Googled it.....

  • freedomlover

    LOL at Poztate!! cameltoes, moose knuckles, etc......

    don't you LOVE google!?

  • mkr32208

    I'm 90% sure I know an "active" CO who comes on this site... I'll not name names...

  • What-A-Coincidence
    I imagine the board monitors for the society have to be cokebottle glasses wearin, nerdy, mindless little bastards with no backbone type of guys,....and who wear their pants up high and have cameltoes......or else they would lose monitors to the heathen apostate bastards on JWD

    HOLY CRAP!!!

    Were you at Bethel?? I knew of one cokebottle glasses wearing, nerdy, mindless TALL bastard who's assignment was to surf the internet for JW related items.

    This bastard had no personality man. Yo dude. Yeah you, I know you are reading this ... start thinking for yourself. The society has given you the ticket out ... just tell 'em you could not defend the undenfendable thanks to them.

    The only other department in Bethel that would monitor the net (that i know of) is the Department of Public Information (which use to be called Department of Public Information (aka: jwmedia.org - but the G.B. decided that the name was too worldy ... bastards).

    Also, the Writing Deparment surfs the net for WT NEWS related info.

    All the internet computers that are tied to the Society are filtered/logged... so if you set off an alarm ... you will be called in to testify. Sucks eh? They freakin' control your thinking. Reminds me of the movie "The Island" - I said, damm!!! That was me!!!


    x Elder x Bethelite


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