New Invitations for the "Deliverance at Hand" DC

by dorayakii 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • robhic

    (Talk given on last day of convention)

    If it were a Saturday Night Live skit this is where the excited crowd gets told: "Just Keeeeeeeding!!"

    Or do you think they'll try to float a new implied date? And why "god" and not "jehovah"? Public perception?

  • Highlander

    And why "god" and not "jehovah"? Public perception?

    Good point, don't want to scare them away using the name of jehoober. That can wait till later.

  • heathen

    I suppose the theme song for the convention is dueling banjos ? LOL I can see the drama now when some city folk get lost going down a river ..................... anyway you get the idea.

  • Euphemism

    This is, quite simply, the lamest marketing on the face of the planet. I think that if you showed this flyer to an advertising executive, they woud die laughing.

    I hope the Witnesses blanket the entire country with this invitation. Not that any non-Witnesses are likely to attend their snooze-fest anyway, but that would ensure it.

  • daniel-p

    Totally lame. The same picture they always use. Damn, can't they at least paint some new pictures? It's always the guy with Dockers, and an L.L.Bean shirt, doing gardening with his ethnic self, smiling, pushing a wheelbarrow around with tons of fresh fruit and vegetables. Like he just can't wait to eat that eggplant meddley again, for the 4 millionth time.

  • KW13

    That front page screams out "Stay away"

  • candidlynuts

    lets see..

    you cant salute the flag or take any oaths to join boy scouts or the Y..because that would be putting an organization or gov't between you and god.. but you CAN swear loyalty ( baptism oath) to the WTBS.. its ok if THAT org is between you and god..

    does anyone even hand those invites out? i was a jw for almost 40 yrs and i dont think i ever even seen one.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Ever notice how food is presented in these stylized pictures of the "new world"? I mean it's always shown as simply fruit and vegetables. People with hearty smiling faces tucking into a cornocopia of raw fruits and vegies. Won't people do any COOKING in this fancy new set up? No warm pots of vegitable stew, no Spanish paella and rice, no taco and sauce. How about a good vegetable vindaloo?

    Don't tell me we won't be having chillies in this... erm ... new whatever. And erm.... no "fruit of the vine"? Not even a social tipple?

    Don't the WTS clowns realize that we don't live on lettuce and watermelon alone?


  • heathen
    you cant salute the flag or take any oaths to join boy scouts or the Y..because that would be putting an organization or gov't between you and god.. but you CAN swear loyalty ( baptism oath) to the WTBS.. its ok if THAT org is between you and god..

    that's because they are the FDS so it's ok to swear loyalty to them because God has appointed them over all his domestics .

    moggy lover--- seems like the WTBTS is painting a vegetarian society in the new earth . that does kinda make sense tho . Adam and Eve were vegetarian and later when the trees of life are planted people are shown as eating from them in revelation.

  • Hellrider
    no Spanish paella and rice

    Oh, paella! Yuummmm! Thanks, now I know what I`ll have tomorrow, haven`t had that in a long time.

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