effing cult
What First Pops Up Into Your Mind When You Hear "Jehovah's Witnesses"???
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
Deception, cover ups, pursuit of power, prominance and position.
Arrogance masquerading as humility. Manipulation and injustice.
Rank & File:
Sincere people blinded by the leadership.
Victorian sky
For the R&F: I feel sorry for these poor, poor people. They are in bondage and I want to free them all.
For the gb & wts: control freaks, their religion is a snare and a racket, child molester's paradise, blood guilty, cold, judgmental, cruel, and destroyer of families. They don't know the meaning of love and are rotten to the core.
Bumble Bee
I think about all the jokes I've heard about them on comedy shows.
I too think "where" and kinda duck down a little bit and look around.
I think, poor misled people and wondering what goes through their minds as year after year passes by and no New System.
jt stumbler
I actually get a feeling: a warm fuzzy state of a completely numbed and non-functional mind, thought processes grinding to a halt and a total lack of personal boundaries and responsibility. All under a heavy blanket of lock-step false reasoning and sanctimoniousness that leaves me with the hollowness and fleeting satisfaction that's a trademark of such mental masturbation.
People that rip your heart out then expect you to get on with life
no blood, no birthdays and christmas, 1914, armageddon - sad isnt it - I do not think Christian, Christ , God or love I think no blood, no birthdays and christmas, 1914, armageddon