What First Pops Up Into Your Mind When You Hear "Jehovah's Witnesses"???
by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends
Its a toss up between "run and hide" (so I can listen to them say " I know she's hiding in there") or setting my brothers pitbulls lose on them :) Or I could welcome them into my living room for a friendly chat and then start having my own private conversation with the strange voices in my head . . . Or I could ask them why I should take part in a religion that protects my retarded child molesting father. . . that is just a few of the things that come to mind.
Don't say that name! It gives me a headache!
Boxed elder bugs
I think about family members I haven't been able to speak to in over twenty years because of a religion that claims to be Christian.
Welcome Michelle!!!
When I think JWS, the first thing that happens is I feel a tenseness about my shoulders. Then my chest feels tight and I find it a little difficult to breathe. Then I get a rising anger and knot in my stomach. My throat feels as if it is spasming and I feel very, very claustraphobic.
I then think, 'you poor, stupid, arrogant, deluded, self righteous, pig headed, mule brained, arse faced, fooled morons!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Takes me a little while to calm down again....but I feel better when I remember that I'm no longer one of them.