I got the call today, only one problem

by SickofLies 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomlover

    okay, now that you've clarified I see. sorry - I'm a little slow at times.....he he he

    I don't think they give a rat's ass if you can make it there or not. Your fate is sealed. They'll DF you either way.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    take this with a grain of salt, as I've never been a dub before.... but this is from my Corporate background...


    Call Brooklyn..(service desk?) tell them your situation, not any of the detail of the dfing, but just that there is no transportation available, as the Elders stated that they won't take you. Ask what your options are, or if you can speak to the legal department. Even call a GB members office directly and speak to an assistant. All of these "calls" might provide you with ammunition when you call the Elders. sample: (((ring, ring)))) Hi, Elder Bentnose.... I've just don't have any way to get to my appeal tonight...I even called Brooklyn and spoke to so and so....and told them that you guys said that you wouldn't give me a ride....yada, yada, yada.

    That might be enough of a "threat" to 1) postpone the execution appeal or 2) get someone to give you a ride. my 2 cents.

  • Hellrider
    I was hoping for some more useful feedback like is there anything I can do, like threaten them with lawyers or a law suit if they don't pick me up?

    Ha ha! For a soon-to-be-DFed (as in, in JW-eyes, soon-to-be-birdfood-after-Armageddon), you sure have your demands. Call them and tell them to pick you up and drive you home after the meeting...I`m sure they`ll do it (not). How about taking a bus?

  • rebel8

    I'd give you a ride if I could!

    I think Double has got some good ideas. Maybe you could mention that they are glad to give people rides to the regular meetings (even worldly people who never made the baptism committment you did), and here you are trying your hardest to stay in Jehovah's True Organization. Find & quote that scripture about the one sheep who gets lost and how Jehovah cares more about that one than all the rest.

    By that time, they should either (1) give you a ride, or (2) agree to have the meeting at your house, or (3) change the date of the meeting to one when you will have transportation. Personally, I'd tend to think you'd prefer #2. If you pick #1, you are at the mercy of complete wackos to provide you a ride home if and when they choose, and imagine how uncomfortable the ride will be, considering how much animosity they feel towards you. And what if they say, "Screw you, find your own ride home" after it's all done? You're stuck at the KH with no way to get home. Plus with #2 you'll have the home court advantage if they're in your home, and you can throw them out whenever you wish if need be.

  • Mary
    is there anything I can do, like threaten them with lawyers or a law suit if they don't pick me up?

    God no-----if you can't sue them for ignoring child abuse, then you certainly can't sue them for not giving you a ride......what about taking a bus?

  • SickofLies

    Ok, here's what I did, I called Comrad up and told him I wouldn't be able to meet until 9:30pm because of work and that I would be getting a ride from a witness who will be speaking in my defence. Boy did he shit his pants when I told him that lol. I have it recorded of course if anyone wants to hear. Who is the mysterous witness showing up in my defence and what does he/she have to say? Find out when I post the audio for the appeal tomorrow night!

  • mkr32208

    Hitchhike to the hall... After the meeting steal one of the elders cars to get home...

    Just my two cents!

  • AudeSapere
    I have it recorded of course if anyone wants to hear.

    You bet I/we do...!

    Bring it on!!


  • Chasity1

    I can hardly wait to listen.

  • kwintestal

    I find out tomorrow morning if I'm working, if I'm not, I can drive you, and I could also speak in your defence as I am technically still a JW. You can email me at kwintestal at gmail dot com to see if we can work something out. Kwin

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