I got the call today, only one problem

by SickofLies 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    kwin!!!! - waz up?? you get a job then we never hear from ya!!!!


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    ever since I listened to the recordings SOTL - I've wanted to get in my car a go for a ride and buy you a coffee or something!!

    Take the offer from Kwin - the ride and the company - ask him to wear his T-shirt "I've got issues"!!!
    you are not alone

  • LDH

    You didn't ask for the meeting.

    You didn't give them permission to hold a meeting about you.

    They want you to incriminate yourself at said meeting.

    And let me get this right. You have to arrange and pay for this all to happen?


    Here, let me hand you a bullet Class

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Dan,

    Were here for you!! Are you ready?? I know you have been doing ALOT of research to prepare. It is very time consuming, do you feel good about your meeting? I am sure you do. Is there anything you need?? Hang in there! What time is your meeting?? We will be thinking of you!

    Sincerely your friend,

    Lady Liberty

  • Smiles

    Is there a telephone in the back room that they use for judicial committees? Some of us could call during the judical meeting and ask for a Bible study.

  • geevee

    Hi, I wish you all the best with your meeting, appeals are a bit of a waste of your time, but it is also a waste of the original 3 and the appeal committees. They only want tom determine if the original committee erred in it's judgement and methodology.
    Ask heaps of questions, pull them back to origunal points. Ask why.....why.....why.... the three times asking why will help keep it on issue. Ask for the Bible reasons, not publications, read the context of all the scriptures they use, get them to read the context too.
    Good luck.

  • sass_my_frass

    You knkow that they'll have the meeting without you regardless of your car problems?

  • Blueblades

    Sick! Remembe one thing the flock book has it in writing that you can appeal an appeal that goes against you. The Elders are given instructions not to tell you this little unknown secret hidden in the flock book.You would appeal to the Branch Office if your first appeal goes against you. This is useful for those who want to keep the Elders tied up. I don't think you will get a favorable decision from the Branch, however you can forestall the Local Elders for awhile. Make them work harder, keep them tied up for awhile. Let them know that you know this and they will want to know where you have found this information out. Tell them that they are dishonest if they keep this little known secret from you.


  • kool aid man
    kool aid man

    We listened to your committee meeting hearing. It is so remarkable how unloving these "spiritual shepherds" are. I also taped my hearings, as well as the appeal recently, and hoping to soon post the audio on line. By the elders not helping you with transportation to your appeal hearing definetely shows they are not searching for the lost "sheep". Where they have already planned the meeting, and pre-judicated the outcome, it is in their best interest to make arrangements to get you there. The elders are instructed to not let matters of apostacy linger. However, if you are looking for more time to prepare for your appeal, this may be an excellent opportunity to postone until a further date, on the basis of not having a means of transportation to get there. One other suggestion if you really want to be there is to ask the elders if there may be a SPIRITUALLY MATURE publisher who would be willing to pick you up and take you home. This would provide the means to not only attend the appeal, but to discuss your "607 B.C.E" research with them!

  • SickofLies
    Were here for you!! Are you ready?? I know you have been ;doing ALOT of research to prepare. It is very time consuming, do you feel good about your meeting? I am sure you do.& Is there anything you need?? Hang in there! What time is your meeting?? We will be thinking of you!

    Thanks LL (and everyone else)

    My meeting is today at 9:30, they wanted to do it at 8:30 but I'm use to staying up late so I told them I couldn't make it until 9:30. I had a friend call and act as my laywer and threaten them if they don't make ever effort to make sure I'm able to get there. This worked and now they are kissing my ass. I have a new recorder that I setup and won't have the static. This should be interesting.

    I am looking foward to the meeting, some anxiety, but I'm glad this will all be over soon. I look forward to post back the results soon.

    ~ SoL

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