DATELINE needs this WT bible verse ""

by Tallyman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman


    French bishop convicted for keeping quiet about sexual abuse


    PARIS (AP) - A bishop was found guilty
    Tuesday of keeping quiet about a priest
    who sexually abused children, marking the
    first time in over 150 years that a
    high-ranking French clergyman has been
    convicted of a crime.

    Bishop Pierre Pican, 66, received a
    three-month suspended sentence for hiding
    knowledge that a priest in his diocese had raped and molested boys
    from 1996 to 1998.

    The sentence by the court in the Normandy town of Caen was lighter than
    the 4 to 6 month suspended prison term sought by the prosecution, and
    the three years in prison the bishop could have faced.

    Still, it shocked church officials that a court would convict a man named
    by the pope and that so-called "professional secrecy" was at issue in the

    The priest, the Rev. Rene Bissey, was convicted in October of raping and
    sexually abusing 11 minors in the mid-1990s and sentenced to 18 years
    in prison. Bissey told a court last week that he had decided not to appeal
    his conviction.

    Pican, in charge of the Bayeux-Lisieux diocese in Normandy, in western
    France, had learned of Bissey's acts in confidential talks - outside the
    church confessional where secrets are considered sacrosanct.

    Defense lawyers argued the bishop's silence was motivated by respect
    for "professional secrecy," which gives priests and bishops the right to
    speak confidentially to one another.

    "This judgment is today the starting point for a dusting off of the notion of
    professional secrets ..." said attorney Jean Chevais, representing victims
    of the priest. "The church must no longer cover up these crimes."

    Pican made no comment as police escorted him from the courtroom in
    Caen. He has 10 days to appeal the decision.

    Several cases of pedophilia have prompted the Conference of Bishops
    of France to reaffirm its condemnation of pedophilia among priests - and
    lay down guidelines for bishops.

    In November, the conference said priests who sexually abuse children
    "must answer before the law" and that no bishop "can remain passive ...
    and even less so cover up (such) acts."

    During his trial in June, Pican acknowledged he knew about the priest's
    behavior but later conceded he had made an "error of appreciation" in
    terms of how serious they were.

    A spokesman for the Conference of Bishops said he was pleased the
    relatively light punishment "does not call into question" the right to keep
    professional secrets.

    "This isn't a severe sentence, but I'm still surprised," the Rev. Stanislas
    Lalanne said, noting that there were no allegations children were sexually
    abused after Pican spoke with the priest.

    Bissey is one of nearly 30 priests in France convicted over the past
    decade of pedophilia, according to the conference. Eleven received
    prison terms. Another 20 pedophilia-related cases involving priests are

    While such cases are increasingly ending up in courtrooms, it is rare that
    the church hierarchy faces trial for covering up.

    William Ryan, a spokesman for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops,
    said no Catholic clergyman in the United States has ever been convicted
    of failing to come forward to report sexual abuse.

    However, a bill pending in the Massachusetts legislature would require
    clergy to report suspected child abuse. The bill, which passed a House
    committee in July and is awaiting hearings before the full House and
    Senate, won crucial endorsement last month from the state's Roman
    Catholic Church.

    While the legislation would require clergy to report suspicions of child
    abuse, that does not include anything they learned from church

    The Massachusetts church reversed its opposition to the bill just as
    Boston Cardinal Bernard Law was named in a lawsuit by two dozen
    alleged victims of a former priest in eastern Massachusetts. As part of
    the suit, Law admitted in court documents in June that he transferred
    John Geoghan to another parish even after he had been told that
    Geoghan had molested seven boys.

    In Britain, two archbishops have faced controversy over their handling of
    pedophile cases among priests. Between 1995 and 1999, 21 Catholic
    priests in Britain and Wales were convicted of offenses against children.

    "This is the end of a long battle," said Yann Rebillard, one of Bissey's
    victims after the verdict. "The church now has to take a long look at itself.
    It must break the wall of silence."

    The last time a bishop was convicted of anything in France was in 1841
    in Angers, but, then, it was over a murder by a priest in his diocese.

    France has about 26,000 Roman Catholic priests and about 100


    What a pitiful 'slap on the wrist' for that joker bishop!
    "suspended sentence"... baaahh!

    He ought to share the same prison cell (for at least 3 years as the law allowed!) as the Child Molesting Priest who raped ELEVEN Young Boys.

    Joker pleaded "the right to keep professional secrets"

    THAT's what the Watchtower ChildMolester-Protectors will probably try to plea too, when they get their sorry asses hauled to court.

    Was the good bishop worried about - if he turned the Boy-Raper-Priest into the French police, that it would leave a "priest shortage" in his Diocese? You know there is a great priest and nun shortage these days... how sad! :::sniff!:::

    Or, was it most likely the same thing WTKultLeaders are worried about... if he'd turned the PervPriest in to the Law -
    a Public Relations NIGHTMARE for the religion!


    If that god-damned bishop had turned the priest into the law early on, say after he Raped the FIRST LITTLE BOY, then the other TEN BOYS would have been SPARED.

    Same goes with the Watchtower Criminals when all their Schit hits the fan, ... will it be found out that if they had acted SOON!... and turned Elders/D.O.s/C.O.s/GoverningBodymembers who were molesting children into the Law Enforcement Authorities EARLY ON...
    how many other little kids might have been spared?

    And now the verse from the Kingdom Kult's own bible, which scripture they love to quote in their literature and at their meetings:

    "Because sentence against a bad work has not been executed speedily, that is why the heart of the sons of men has become fully set in them to do bad."
    --- Ecclesiastes 8:11

    If these KultChildMolesterProtectors had acted SPEEDILY - A.S.A.P. to make sure justice was executed upon these Pervert Predators, and turned them over to the Law, then look what all could have been avoided.

    Damn Kingdom jehovahWitness HYPOCRITES!

    I can see it now:
    Stone Philips holding a puke-green New World Translation in his hand and quoting that verse and asking: "Tell us, Mr.Jaracz, why didn't your religion apply this verse from your own bible, in the case of these child molestors to whom you were giving shelter"?

    (waited with bated breath for the answer...)


  • Fredhall


  • blondie

    Just remember that even after getting all those JW molesters and supporters in jail there will still be many more Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, atheistic, agnostic, Republican, Democratic, any European country, any country, etc., molesters that will be hurting children....protecting children from molesters does not begin and end with JWs...

  • Tallyman



    And the only thing you're good for Fwed,
    is helping to bring a post back to the top of the forum.


  • ballistic

    And... Fred, what makes you tick? Please give an answer, please give a straight answer, please do?

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Tallyman,

    thanks for posting this in this Forum.

    It was in many newspapers all over Europe on the 5th

    September, but it is excellent that you posted.

    As I've said many times these kind of informations should

    be given the widest publicity as possible.

    Btw, don't bother even to answer to...., why he does not

    answer topic like this or the UN and the WTS, etc.etc. ?

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Tallyman
    Just remember that even after getting all those JW molesters and supporters in jail there will still be many more

    Yes, of course Blondie. I know that. Of course I know that.

    But since I'm an eXpert on jWs, my Focus is on them.

    Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, atheistic, agnostic, Republican, Democratic, any European country, any country, etc., molesters that will be hurting children....

    You state the obvious.

    Why did you state the obvious?

    What's your angle, here?

    protecting children from molesters does not begin and end with JWs...

    Who In The World said it did, or even faintly inferred such?

    Are you a jW?

    Are you unHappy with the heat presently being put on jWs for providing a "City of Refuge" for Child-Molesters?

    Did you happen to notice that the name of this board is:

    "" ?

    What is the point of your response to my New Post?


  • blondie

    I'm just asking that we reflect on whether the goal is to get rid of child molesters or just JW molesters (or JWs).

    I'm always glad for child molesters to be found out and for their supporters to be outed as well, no matter their religious affiliation or lack thereof.

  • Billygoat

    Not to minimize victims of NON-JW child molesters...

    This is not a child molestation discussion board. This is a JW discussion board. If you have a goal of getting rid of all child molesters, then go to a more appropriate board to address that issue. We are members of this board because we are/used to be part of the JW world. JW child molestation just happens to be part of our discussion.


  • blondie

    Thanks Andi for the boot out the door. I would suggest putting a lock on this board and requesting a password so that only "approved" people can post. Being a victim myself, it disturbs me to see what seems to be delight on the part of some that there are JW child molesters. If you removed every JW child molester from the scene, that doesn't mean children would be safe or that even a large part would be safe...nor would it mean children within the JW organization would be safe...why not, because child molesters do not choose their victims based on religious background but on availability. JWs aren't any more likely to be molesters than any other part of the population. My abuser was not a JW...but I have worked with people who have been abused by JWs. My experience has been, the pain is the be violated by someone you trust and find little support in your family or community.

    It seems, Andi, you have made a judgment of me with little information. I have a reason and a right to be here just like you. If you don't like what I write...don't read it...that's what seems to be the direction about offensive comments here.

    I'm sorry you were offended...that wasn't my goal.

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