Read some responses of those that attended a jw funeral talk........

by troubled mind 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost


    The talks were much more personal years ago, but like everything else in the Organization, they like everything to "conform" to a certain code, so I think they've become alot more stringent with how the talks are conducted.

    How time flies! It must ahve been many years ago - I'm looking through the Funeral talk outlines for the past 20 years (they're regularly updated) and the non-eulogising instruction has been there for yonks.

    You're right though, dub funerals are awful! so inferior to one in a church - or so I've found.

    Thinking about it though, you wouldn't expect anything else for they don't have a real, assured hope like christians do.

  • wombat

    Ozzie..You don't have to be a Christian to celebrate a person's life. Christianity has nothing to do with a good send-off.

  • kid-A

    Christianity has nothing to do with a good send-off.

    Here, here, wombat. The best funerals I ever attended were completely non-religious, "celebrations" of a person's life, and a chance to say our final farewells while reflecting on how that person's life

    influenced our own.

  • ocsrf

    Yep......the Witness funeral talks have gone right down the toilet in the last 7 - 10 years. Now it's all about how the person hasn't gone to a better place, there's no eulogy, no friends or family get up there and talk about wonderful moments in the deceased's, the speaker must emphasize that the person is just dead in the ground and then read scriptures showing how Adam screwed us all over and how it's God's plan to have humans live on the earth, not in heaven. They may briefly mention what the person did in their life, but only if they're a dedicated Dub who "put God's Kingdom first". Then it's on to preaching and trying to recruit new members, which does nothing except show the level of their desperation. Worldly people are stunned and appalled at Witness funerals. I know, because I've had several complain to me privately afterwards. They're shocked and disgusted and the lack of feeling and the feeling that the religion is using the opportunity to try and recruit new members......hell, I even know of dedicated Witnesses who are disgusted at the funeral talks..........
    This sums it up for me. The last funeral I went to was nothing more of a infomercial. They did make some comments about the deceased but not nearly as personal a delivery as I would have hoped for. After the few comments the rest of it was right out of the manual, nothing more than an opportunity to recruit, you can't even die without them using every chance they can to turn it into somekind of infomercial. Left me feeling very sad. OC

  • aniron

    Having attended a few funerals as a JW in my time as one. Plus a couple after I left. If it wasn't for the fact there was a coffin at the front of the Kingdom Hall you wouldn't have known it was a funeral.

    It was almost like "This is the funeral of Bro.X...But first a few words from our sponsor, the Watchtower Society."

    After that the person was lucky to get a mention.

    A couple of years after I had left and become a Christian. A man who I had met at church with his wife, and become great friends with, died. This man had been ill for many years, yet was a joy to be with, you couldn't keep a straight face when he was around.

    This was my first funeral as a Christian so was a bit apprehensive of what it was going to be like. The church was full. People were dressed in all colours. There was an uplifting atmosphere. People who knew the man through his life spoke, we laughed and cried. We sang songs of joy and life.

    To us this man was not dead, or gone out of existence....he was alive....just moved on to somewhere else.

  • Mary
    kid-A said: I remember reading the letter they sent my elder father. Basically, it as a clear demand that funerals be used as recruitment opportunities and warning the elders about not "glorifying" the deceased or focusing too much on the "personal" factors of the deceased life....
    But Ozzie said: I'm looking through the Funeral talk outlines for the past 20 years (they're regularly updated) and the non-eulogising instruction has been there for yonks.

    OK guys, which is it? Has the Society given instructions as to how funeral talks are conducted or not in the last 20 years? I can honestly say that there's no way the funeral talks were this bad 20 years ago, at least not in my area. There's definitely been a decline in the "quality" of the talk and I can certainly see them not wanting to "glorify" the deceased by focusing on them when they could be using those few precious moments glorifying the Craptower.

  • kid-A


    All I know is the most recent directive I am aware of was several years ago (4-5 years?) with revised information about how the funeral talks should be handled. I do remember the talks being much more "humane" about 10-15 years ago, and even attending JW funerals way back when that really did focus on the deceased and anecdotes about their lives. The "infomercial" phenomenon seems relatively recent to me, but I am sure it largely depends where you live and the cultural norms of the specific country.

  • Mary
    kid-A said: The "infomercial" phenomenon seems relatively recent to me, but I am sure it largely depends where you live and the cultural norms of the specific country.

    That's what I'm thinking......since you and I are both from the same area, maybe we noticed a much bigger difference in the way the talks are handled, than maybe where Ozzie lives........and I loved the term "infomercial" when describing JW fits as well as when we started calling the WTS the Borg.

  • EAGLE-1

    If I understood my jw mom correctly neither her or my dad plan to have a funeral per se.

    I just wonder what life would have been like without the jdub virus invading our peaceful home.

    That I mourn now..........................

  • Van Gogh
    Van Gogh

    I have heard some really good ones...

    and some bad ones in my life: JW doctrine does not take death very seriously, so consolation doen't rank all that high. The funeral talk one of my uncles - the black sheep of the family, a colorful character - got two years ago was a recruitment talk like no other; in the talk he was named and referred to where absolutely necessary, but otherwise he didn't really figure in it. I remember looking around me for obvious signs of indignation in peoples faces and whispered some remarks - nobody seemed to notice.

    In my experience dub funerals are also often used by the elder establishment as a political instrument.

    An old and faithful MS died after many risky bloodless operations. His children were all exJWs and all wanted to make a personal contribution with a personal speech. One son apparently had had premarital sex with the woman he married afterwards... 25 years ago, and was disfellowshipped for it at the time. The sister/wife of the MS was leaned on heavily by the body of elders not to allow the personal input but she did not give in. Consequently, the funeral was boycotted and the cong was admonished not to attend the funeral. Me and a few others attended. A disgraced ex-elder friend of the family held a biblically consoling talk in the end but was too afraid to say a prayer for fear of being disfellowshipped for it. The cong and all the elders did go to the farewell-condolence ceremony at the funeral home the day before as they allowed this. The funny thing is that an elder from another cong was seen by many there talking amicably to the DFed guy. The deceased MS was hated by the PO who orchestrated the boycott. It shows how those in control apply the rules whenever it suits them.

    Shortly afterwards we had a couple more funerals... all involving the same PO.

    This time an old sister's funeral was boycotted by her NON-JW and fundi-Christian family who demonstratively stood outside. After the soulless JW funeral talk the whole crowd of unbelievers ventured in. But the PO and his wife ostensibly hurried out because the deceased sister's son who WAS a JW commenced with a short speech for the unbelievers in order to explain to them how his mother's blood refusal had not been the actual cause of her demise... Again the funny thing is that another local elder who was related to the deceased remained in the audience.

    At another funeral of a well-liked character/brother, the son of the deceased, a known apostate living abroad, was allowed to speech on tape. The approving PO again used his "discretion" here.

    At another funeral of an old faithful sister, her DAed son WAS allowed to speech in person... before the funeral talk, held by a powerful friend of the old sister: the CO. The PO in question went along with this one of course. (The DAed son this time walked out before the COs talk.)

    A brother in a neighboring cong was stabbed to death by his young pregnant wife, a sister, after he apparently continued his affair with an even younger girl. This time the cong was more or less summoned on several occasions to ATTEND the funeral in as large a number as possible... sanctioned by the same PO: an example needed to be set (show needed to be put on) since a large part of the bereaved family were Pentecostals... I didn't attend that one.

    Now that I've written this, I realize that perhaps it was not such a bad thing after all that my own parents, all those 27 years ago, were not deemed worthy of a funeral talk after having slaved away faithfully for many years until they gave way under the unbearable load. My mum killed herself just before my DFed dad self-destructed. Fortunately no fallacies were spoken over their dead bodies.


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