God or no God?
And why!
by Legolas 64 Replies latest jw friends
God or no God?
And why!
There is a God. From seeing all of his creation and the wonders of life.
No god.... if there was a god. it would be very clear who had the right religion/belief system...
Humans like to explore,to ask questions,to find out why something is.We want proof of everything.It seems the things we can not prove we fear more or we are fascinated with.God,ufos,bigfoot,illuminati,etc.The things we know very little about seems to mystify us more.It becomes much bigger in our own minds than it actually is.We fear death the most I think.Is there something after this or are we just intelligent fertilizer?
Most of the gods I have read about strike me as genocidal maniacs and need to take a Prozac the size of the planet Jupiter.They are too human.Crazy like me.
what do i think there is more PROOF of?
there is probably more scholarly proof that there is NOT an almighty god.
you can dig thru history and find where and when a monotheistic belief system started..
did god create man or did men create god?
that said.. i hope theres a god. i hope there is more to life than this. i hope there is something beyond death. i felt close to another being when i gave birth and held my children for the first time. i prayed like a fiend when one of my children was suffering from a life threatening disease..
more and more i think that organized religion has little to do with god.. so i try find him thru my own meditation, prayer and study of history not just thru the bible.
if there is a god. he could provide proof very easily. a voice from the heavens isnt the only thing he coudl do.. .. an interview with larry king live.. create his own website.. take over the airways radio/tv etc..... its not that hard to reach people globally these days.
All I have to do is look at a new born baby to know that there definately is a God. Miracles happen every day, there is too much beauty in life to have been a random accident. However, there are many things I don't understand that I plan on asking God when we meet face to face. The WTS took many things but I refused to let them have my faith.
Hell, there is hardly much proof the existence of us individually, much less of God.
"I think, therefore I am". But how can I prove that anything outside of myself exists? We have to pretend that everything out there exists, otherwise we end up fruit in a fruit stand.
Can't prove one way or another.
I find it increasingly difficult to believe in a loving God anymore, and certainly don't feel any compunction to worship him if he does exist. On the other hand, I find other theories like evolution a bit difficult to swallow as well.
Maybe, when I've been out of religion a few years instead of months, I'll work it out, but at the moment I am very undecided.
There has always been belief in God.
There has never been any proof of God.
i'm with you fullofdoubtnow.. thinking on my own for such a short time outside the perameters of the watchtower society, i'm giving myself time and freedom to think and discover things on my own. getting past the bitterness and cynicism is harder than i ever would have thought it would be.