Karl's Story

by KW13 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    he stopped after i hit him back.

    That one worked for me with my dad too.

    I just want to say don't feel bad about it. I felt guilty for years about belting my dad - until I was in couselling last year, the counsellor said it was needed for him to stop controlling me and show him he had no right to hit me. It was setting up a boundary which he wasn't to cross.

  • KW13

    i have felt guilty, i guess i should try not to. thanks!

  • Virgochik

    Hey, Karl! It's always nice reading your posts, so stick around a long time! You know, we could even be remotely related... my great grandfather was from England, lol! Take care!

  • KW13

    Hey, Karl! It's always nice reading your posts, so stick around a long time! You know, we could even be remotely related... my great grandfather was from England, lol! Take care!

    oh noooooo! haha

    i love posting here, nothin' gonna make me stop

    again, thanks for your kind words

  • Sunnygal41

    hey, Karl! Thanks for sharing..........I agree with CN, that IS a lot of living for your age...........anyways, I'm glad you've made peace with mom...........hope stepdad doesn't beat on you anymore? Better not, the creep. I grew up in an alcoholic, abusive home and it distresses me when I read of others having to deal with that.........youi are a very fun, bright young man.......glad you found JWD and we have the chance to get to know you.


  • KW13

    yeh, he's stopped now

    i love being here as i said, folks like yourself with similar life experiences. i'd sooner be in a room full of people that understood me than all feel sorry for me.

  • sass_my_frass

    Well now that explains many things, mostly why you're a smart a sweet guy!

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    :( awwww... I am glad you are doing okay now. Sorry about your mum, I hope she understand and still love you, even for religious choice you make (that she disagrees with).

  • unclebruce

    One of the best things about comming online has been getting to know you karl. You have a unique calm and clearsighted writing style. You didn't even freak that night when your old kingdom hall/ computer chair started levitating you up toward the ceiling lol. You've been through a lot for a young man and it's given you wisdom beyond your years . The upside of all the trauma you've endured is that the good times taste all the sweeter and you don't sweat the small stuff.

    I salute your honesty and bravery young man

    I generally cringe at the literal use of the term 'uncle' but in your case I'll make an exception ... I unclebruce, hereby officially undub thee with this thy holy golden crunchie bar nephew karl

    pst: karl, the invoice is in the mail ..and you wouldn't have any spare grog or ciggies for your dear old unc would ya?...nyaaahaaarrr

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