What is an elders manual ?
by eve342832 14 Replies latest jw friends
It is a book with a dark green cover called "Pay Attention to Yourself and All the Flock" commonly called the Flock book and also called the Kingdom Ministry Text Book - it is issued to appointed elders only
It is like the book that pioneers study during pioneer school. It is geared specifically for elders and issues they may address as such. It is only given to those elders who go to the school. Many elders will refer to the book or the school when there is an "issue" that is beyond their reasoning - which is most of the time.
If this book is only appointed to elders is there a particular reason why this is.Does it hide anything from jw's
since they would be involved in reproving and setting matters straight ... then they would need some guidance ... like a "HOW TO" book.
Well that is a loaded question (does it hide anything). The most telling thing that RR showed, was the hand written reference accompanying written material that a male who was found guilty of molesting a child could later, once determined to be repentive, hold a position. I think most JWs know what it contains because we have either seen it from family members or people who have left have kept the book and passed it around. However, in an effort to not come out and specifically say anything that might reflect badly upon the WTBTS and their policies, it is often times considered secret and hidden from the rest of the pubs. I think the WTBTS' belief is that if they are silent or they give the usual run around response that it will distract people enough not to cause a ripple.
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You have what is in PRINT.
Then you have was is WRITTEN in by elders brought to them by the G.B. through the Circuit Oveerseers as you might have seen in Richies threads.
I am shocked that they have not published an updated book.
thanks,i found that douknow site and just read a bit.it said-If there is no conscious awareness of death how could the spirits in prison be preached to by christ after his death(1Pet3:18:20) and how could the good news be declared also to the dead (1Pet4:6),after reading this it gives me hope,no doubt someone will say different,but i believe in god but have been brainwashed into thinking that i wouldnt be saved,because of not being a jw.This way of feeling always draws me back to,do a join them or what.I also noted that the report on the mental health which included jw's admissions was as i expected.The jw's talk about me saying i have mental health issues,i might ad i was perfectly sane until 10 years ago,and met my partner,who then brainwashed me into the state i am now,no wonder people look at me in disbelief.I have alot of questions and no answers,purely because my partner never answered with a yes or no,it was always a grey area.I am so tired of crying and feeling worthless today,i just hope people can understand that i have alot to ask.