What is an elders manual ?

by eve342832 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • serendipity

    HI Eve,

    It sounds like you've had a tough time and may be depressed. If you've felt hopeless for more than a few weeks, perhaps you should see a doctor to see if you should get some anti depressants and/or get to the root cause and deal with factors in your life that are causing your feelings. We're here to try to answer any questions you may have.

  • geevee

    Secret info from Page 143 of the ks book:
    This is page 143. Blank in the ks91 book but with carefully dictated paragraphs:

    k.s. p143 addendum
    Child Abuse. Ref Letters: A.B.E Aug 29th 1989 pg 3; LLA 10/10/2002; 28/8/02.
    Legal ramifications.
    In cases of either accusation or allegations of child abuse, immediately contact the society. Do Not talk to anyone else.
    If a brother or a sister confesses to child abuse, ask them not to speak to anyone else till you get back to them, and contact the society immediately.
    In contacting the society simply state “Matter involving Child Abuse” and the switchboard will put you through.
    *If interviewed by the police, tell them you are not prepared to make a statement until you have sought legal advice. Contact society immediately or a local barrister if necessary.
    *If presented with a search warrant or a subpoena, the last resort is to hand over any material. (Cong file) Find out exactly what is wanted and hand over only that. Preferably seek legal advice first. (stall)
    Read the warrant. Write on envelope “Ecclesiastical privilege claimed, not to be opened until matter is determined by court.

    *Expressions that are not to be used on S77 & S79 forms:
    6 expressions that should not be used on the S77 and S79 forms are:
    1) Anything eluding to or naming one of the societies lawyers.
    2) Any mention of the Legal Department.
    3) Any comments referring to direction from the society.
    4) Any comments mentioning anyone other than the committee itself as a possible influence in the decision reached.
    5) Any comment that might suggest to someone with a critical eye that the committee did not reach it’s decision on it’s own, but instead, somehow yielded to the influence of an outside party.
    6) Any comments indicating that the elders mishandled the case or committed and error in the investigation or the judicial process.
    • see also pages 122 and 101.

    Letter to A.B.A June 30, 1995.
    All material related to judicial matters should be kept in a safe place, accessible only to Elders. Final reports on handling of judicial matters should be kept in a sealed envelope in the congregation file.
    A Judicial Committee should avoid sending to an individual, any kind of correspondence that accuses him of specific wrongdoing. (note: k.s91 pp110-111)
    Nothing should be put in writing to any disfellowshipped person to advise him of his status or the reasons for it without specific direction from the society. The rules and procedures of Jehovah’s Witnesses do not require such written disclosures. Anything in writing submitted to a Judicial Committee should be kept in strict confidence. If a Judicial Committee disfellowships an individual, he should be informed orally of the action taken and of the right to appeal.
    If the wrongdoer refuses to attend the hearing, two members of the judicial Committee should attempt to contact the individual at his home and inform him orally of the decision. If this is not possible the two elders may be able to inform him by telephone.

    Unit 5 (c) 143

    Enjoy the "secret information.......

  • jgnat

    eve, it sounds like you are clinically depressed. I do have hope for you. The brainwashing didn't work very well because you are on this site asking independent questions. You obviously have a lot of inner strength.

    Are you under a doctor's care for your depression?

  • eve342832

    Thanks for the support,i know im depressed and have told the doctor who doesnt have a clue really.I was assessed and was told that i have lost control of my life being involved with a jw and i should start a new life.I agree and i do have this inner strength as you said but to move on i need answers.i was never religious until i met my partner of ten years and then had my head filled with armagedon.It does make you question if he is right otherwise why give up everything if it was wrong.reading peoples posts on this site helps me try and move on but its very hard.i want to smile again from the outside and from the inside,i have a great heart thats broke from losing my partner,i had to choose and this is why im having days that seem worthless.Eve.xx

  • jgnat

    1. You need to be assessed again, by another doctor. I think medication can ease your transition.

    2. You are getting control of your life back. You are starting to talk about it. Keep it up.

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