I have said for years that BAC's(born-again christians) and JW's see themselves in the other that is why they don't like each other. I went to an ex-jws potluck the other Sunday and sure enough the ex-jws that are now christians started in on me before I could sit in my chair. They was pushing the "trinity" down my throat and saying that I had to accept the trinity in order to be saved. I thought I was back at the Kingdom Hall where the elders was trying to push 1914 down my throat. I just don't get it with Bacs and JW's why do they insist on you to accept their interpretation of the Bible. I refuse to let any human being tell me what I have to believe in in order to be saved. I can read the bible for myself. I now realize that "controll" is a big part of Born-Again Christianity and JW's. They want to play the role of Jehovah and Jesus and controll your life. And they get made when you stand up for yourself. It is funny because one of the ladies at the potluck told me she was trying to "save" my soul. I told her she needs to "save" her own soul before she can try to "save" mine which only Jehovah and Jesus can do not her. Is it just me but do anybody out there see a pattern with Bacs and JW's with the controll issue. I think ex-jws bacs are the worst. They do the same thing that they complain the WTS did to them when they were JW's. Can you name other similarities between bacs and JW's.
Born-Again Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses are "identical twins"
by booker-t 15 Replies latest jw friends
After leaving JW's I started attending the BA's. At first it was alright and refreshing compared to the witnesses. I asked the pastor about my parents and what will happen to them at judgement time. The answer is that if they don't accept Jesus into their heart and become born again that they will go to hell.
I just couldn't accept that because as witnesses we taught that unless people of the world responded to our message favorably that they would die in armageddon. I just felt that condemning (sp) people to die whether at Armageddon or a torturing Hell really is not that different from each other.
You see what you're looking for.
I'm a Born Again Christian and I would never say such things to you. I could find a couple of examples of non-christian xjw's acting like assholes and say that all of you are like that. I don't think that would be fair, nor do I think it is fair for you to generalize from one (or a couple or whatever) incident.
I'd say set a good example by just not being like them.
JeffT you are doing the same thing you are condemning. You are assuming that I am a non-Christian ex-jws. Where in my post did I mention that I don't believe in Jesus Christ? What makes you think that I am not a Christian the same like you are? You are generalizing people that are critically of Born-Again Christianity and labeling them as non-christian ex-jws. Practice what you preach. I did not say "all born-again christians" act like the lady at the ex-jws potluck I just said Why do some of them. You probably saw some of yourself in that lady at the potluck.
Booker, excellent thread !!! What is even sadder is that the BACs cant even comprehend that they are virtually identical to jehovahs witnesses in the way they think, view the world, judge others etc etc. Its as though they have just taken the JW psychological "template" and then "cut and paste" certain terms, words and judgements. Some of the most obvious comparisons:
Jehovahs Witness BAC
-Reject evolution and science -Reject evolution and science
-believe all non-JWs will die at "armageddon" -believe all "non-saved" will burn eternally in "hell" (ha ha even worse then armageddon I guess! lol)
-consider all non-JW religions to be false -consider all non-christian religions as false
-Take genesis "lLterally" - Take genesis "Literally"
-Mandate to "convert" the world to JWs -Mandate to "save" non BAC via "conversion"
-Believe they alone have "Truth" - Believe they alone have "Truth"
-Aggressively shove their religion down your throat -Aggressively shove their religion down your throat
-sing really bad "kingdumb melodies" -sing really bad "hymns" LOL
-believe in a wrathful tribal deity - believe in a wrathful tribal deity
booker, in jeffT's defense, I think he was just citing an example and not necessarily saying you were a non-christian ex-jw.
Some bac's are family members of mine, and love the ego boost. Just like a lot do not, and are patient, kind, caring individuals. There are of course, jw's on both sides of that spectrum, too.
I now realize that "controll" is a big part of Born-Again Christianity and JW's.
They want to play the role of Jehovah and Jesus and controll your life.
That is the jist I get from all religions.
I think ex-jws bacs are the worst. They do the same thing that they complain the WTS did to them when they were JW's. Can you name other similarities between bacs and JW's.
That is so not true! Ex-jws witnessed a certain way as a JW so it will take time to come out of that system. Think about it.
There are major differences in BACs and JWs.
What I get for posting at 11 at night or whatever it was. What I meant is that in any large group of people (exjws of any stripe, born again christians, other kinds of christians, coffee drinkers, left-handed red heads, whatever) you can find some jerks. To extrapolate that all left-handed red heads are jerks based on one you met last week is unfair.
As I said, I'm a Born Again Christian, and I am not that judgemental of other people, nor do I think that you have to believe what I believe. I don't see anything of myself in the person you quoted.
Major difference is the Many Gods of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Jehovah Witnesses pride themselves to be teachers of God's word going to peoples' doors mainly in sincerity to teach people what they think is the truth.
Witnesses believe the father is the only one called God and since the Bible says God is one the father must be the only one person who is God.
However when we go to Jn.1 we find there are two called God. Let's count who is called God. This is so simple.
John1:1-3 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was "a"God. v.2 He was in the beginning with God. v.3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made