Born-Again Christians and Jehovah's Witnesses are "identical twins"

by booker-t 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlessedStar

    hello a Major difference - Jehovah's Witnesses have many Gods.

    JWs pride themselves to be teachers of God's word going to peoples' doors mainly in sincerity to teach people what they think is the truth.

    JWs believe the father is the only one called God and since the Bible says God is one the father must be the only one person who is God.

    However when we go to Jn.1 we find there are two called God. Lets count who is called God. This is so simple.

    John1:1-3 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was "a"God. v.2 He was in the beginning with God. v.3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made."


  • Finally-Free

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could convince JWs and other preachy religionists to get into a shooting war against each other?


  • daystar


    There are many things people call "gods". Shiva, Hermes, Zeus, Wankantanka...

    I scratch my head in your direction.

  • BlessedStar

    There are many Watchtower secret doctrines that even the Jehovah's Witnesses are not aware of.

    JWs think quite highly of themselves. They go around door to door saying Jesus is not God only the Father is, and then they teach they will become Gods. How can one preach there is only one God and teach that they are gods too. Welcome to the world of the Watchtower, where the Bible can be changed at the governing boards whim. And they wonder why others call them a cult?


  • daystar


    They go around door to door saying Jesus is not God only the Father is, and then they teach they will become Gods. How can one preach there is only one God and teach that they are gods too.

    ???? You're thinking of the Mormons darling.

  • BlessedStar

    You're thinking of the Mormons darling.

    No baby, the JWs. You didn't know?

    JWs make it even more clear what they actually mean: see quote

    "We are divine beings-hence all such are Gods. Thus we have a family of God Jehovah being our father… When Jesus said he was a son of God the Jews were about to stone him, reasoning thus, that if a son of God, he was also making himself to be also a God or of the family of God [just what we claim. Beloved how are we the sons of God" "The god and father of the Lord Jesus Christ hath begotten us." (Watchtower, Dec.1881 p.3 reprints pg.301)


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