Ok, had enough of the ex again. He's refusing to pay maintenance. Hanging aroung with disfellowshiped people and just being a plain arse hole. After enduring months of shit from him i'vce decided to call the elders in his congregation. Am I wasting my time!!!!!!!
Will the elders listen to me even though i'm disfellowshiped
by Lehaa 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Probably... what do you think they can say to him? Pay her or else? It seems like its going to be an endless battle hon. Although I say try, it never hurts to try.
yeah i know, But somewhere doesn't the bible say that he has to provide for his own family.
Yeah, you should find that scripture and point it out to the elders when you call them. That is good thinking, I forgot about that.
In theory, they teach that unless he is caught up on support, he cannot hold a position/privilege.
In practice, it depends on whose butts he kisses and how frequently.
They didn't listen to me.
Yeah, and his dad is the PO of his congregation. What do I do about the associating with disfellowshipped person. His GF, who he is going to marry, has only been reinstated a month. She was babysitting our kids while she was disfellowshipped.
Maybe you should say something because this situation sounds very sticky. Are you DF'd? And she is DF'd? How long have you been divorced?
ok. I've called the elders, have set up an appointment with the elders of his congregation.
Am thinking of taking my partner with me.
lehaa, I'm in a different country, different child support laws, but I can tell you that even if you were a JW in good standing, I have seen the elders do nothing on this. The best thing to do is pursue the legal choices in your country for compelling support payment. Building up a record with them that you can then show to the elders as proof of his non-payment. Even then they may do nothing.
Here the state makes sure the children get the necessities and they go after the negligent parent legally.
Even then, some are so "crafty" doing illegal things, that it can get frustrating.
I wouldn't worry about the GF being df'd when she babysat the kids. You don't think she was a spiritual danger?
Just concentrate on the money/support angle due your children.
Dr Jekyll
Re dobbing him in for associating with df'd people... The Elders will see you as a worldly person and they wont take you at your word, they tend only to believe Dubs in JC matters. Also they need another witness (Two witnesses) that's seen him associating with DF'd people before they will do anything.
However, I don't think they'll want it getting out that the PO's son is being a bum dad to his kids as that will reflect badly upon Jehovahs name and the congregation as a whole.
Go Get them !