The most the elders could do is DF him for not paying his child support; but that would not get you the child support money.
Also, I find elders tend to apply the follwoing reasoning to many things such as child support including turning in pedophiles:
w86 10/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Elders in the Christian congregation are responsible to handle violations of divine law, such as stealing, murder, and immorality. But God did not require congregation elders to enforce Caesar’s laws and codes. Hence, Paul did not feel compelled to turn over to Roman authorities Onesimus, who was a fugitive under Roman law. (Philemon 10, 15) Of course, if someone flagrantly violates secular law, gaining the reputation of being a lawbreaker, he would not be a good example and might even be disfellowshipped. (1 Timothy 3:2, 7, 10) If lawbreaking was involved in causing another’s death, bloodguilt requiring congregation investigation might result.
If you want the child support money, the best route is to go to your legal resources.