It bothered me that God would create animals to kill each other using ingenious methods. Of course I kind of accepted the crappy explanation of when Adam sinned animals also went AWOL but one day their natural benign behaviour will be restored and sheep will sunbath will lions.
When you were a JW, did anyone ask you a question that caused you to doubt?
by Victorian sky 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
I remember the last door I ever went to "preach" at. I was not prepared on what to say or what scripture to use. I had no magazines on me. It was one of those days that you really want to just stay in bed. My hubby gave me a few of his mags, which he only had the Awake ones left. He liked to give them out individually. The Mag he gave me to hand out featured an article on how to train your pet, of all things! Well, I am looking at this and saying how ridiculous it this? When I heard singing coming from the home I was about to knock on. When the lady came to the door she explained that her family was just signing to honor the Lord. Then she said, my church goes out and preaches to others also. I asked her what they preach, thinking I can trap her into a wrong answer. She said that they preach that Jesus Christ is Lord! Well, now I will look even more ridiculous trying to give her a mag. on training your pets and it finally occured to me that most of the time, our mags. have nothing to do at all with God, Jesus or the kingdom. So I just said to the lady, God bless you for doing that and have a nice day and walked away. I mean what else can I say, this lady had a better message than we usually have. That was my last door. And I left the Witnesses not long after that.
BlackSwan of Memphis
The Simpsons:
Episode ??:
Two Jehovah's Witnesses go to the door of the Simpsons. Marge and Lisa (and lil Maggie) have just purchased a new door bell and are downright certain that these Witnesses will ring the doorbell. After all, they Have to ring the bell.
The JW's stop short of ringing the bell and one says to the other...
"Maybe we don't have all the answers."
"Yeah, let's go out and get real jobs"
End of episode.
At first I was p***** off about it. Thinking how dare Matt Groening. Then after it while, I really started thinking, what if we're wrong. Yeah, as if the JW's could Ever be Wrong! lol
The entire article was fear based.
Welcome to the board, Mahju.
What book was this article in?
All that caused me to understand the Watch Tower Society is just a book publishing business with a high control policy came from Jehovah's Witnesses themselves. The question that pissed me off the worst was . . . . "Where's your neck tie . . . BROTHER?".
That happened during the time when I had one foot out the door and one foot on a banana peel. -
I was having a discussion with a guy I worked with, and giving him the spiel about "every design has a designer" so there must be a God. I was giving the same examples I always used i.e. the watch, the house, etc. and how since humans were much more complex we most definitely had to have a designer. He then just simply asked me "So who then created God?"
I did not turn me into an atheist, but it definitely caused me pause and made me realize that my argument was not as airtight and simple as I thought and was taught. I also wondered why that simple question had never occurred to me before. I never used that illustration again, and the question stuck with me for a long time.
Axel -
hey Mahju, welcome! Stick around.... read... learn...
I remember that WT study, it was one of my last. I remember feeling so angry at it, at the whole article. I was raised "worldly", so do have a 'higher education' and thank goodness I do or my kids wouldn't eat. Had I been scrubbing toilets, I would STILL be waiting for the legendary (legend in the sense that it hasn't happened to anyone that *I* know, so it's just a ... legend) bag of groceries on my step, lunch money for the kids, gas money etc etc from the 'friends'. They hadn't been supportive through my whole separation and so on, why expect them to start anytime soon. When that article was done and I was thoroughly pissed off, I turned to the kids and told them "you WILL not work at Burger King or Walmart, you WILL get an education." I harped on them all the way home. :) But that wasn't the first they'd heard of it. I never did agree with the WT view on "higher education" (in another 20 years, and there are all these dumb JW, who are they gonna use for WT lawyers and HLC??). I agree with you when you said that the poor and uneducated are easier to control. The WT fills the "needs" that they would have otherwise been able to fulfill had they gotten an education... Keep 'em dumb, "follow the leader over the cliff" sheep. That Joe guy in the article -- I'm sure he's very empty.
/off soapbox
Star Moore
Yes, I was a pioneer last summer and an elderly man call of mine was antiwar and did alot of demonstrations and speeches and also fought for many other good causes. So, I always listened about all his causes of activism.. One day, he looked at me and said:
How do you get around not helping out the world, with the various problems, that are going on?
I just sat there with my mouth open.. as I handed him a WT and AW.
You know, I hesitate to share this story:
One day I was in my favorite dress shop and the proprietress came over to greet me. I anticipated her friendliness and brought out the current brochure we were offering that month. I told her about our offer of a Free home Bible Study bla bla bla.
She just looked at me and asked very loudly and sincerely "But why Anewme would I want to belong to a religion that EVERYONE HATES??? NO THANKYOU!! I LOVE MY FAMILY!!" And she turned around and walked away.
I was speechless. I was shocked. I was stunned. I was mortified. (I still am just thinking about it)
Yes, why would you, my mind replies.
I have never shared that story with anyone before. It was my little awful secret story. -
"You only do what you are told do by your leaders in Brooklyn. You believe only what you are told to believe by your leaders in Brooklyn."
I posted these statements in My Story. Though not questions, they were statements that began the process of critical thinking.