by RichieRich 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Thanks for the update, Richie. I'm praying for the best of all outcomes.

  • freedomlover

    Thanks so much for updating us Richie. Stressful huh? Sorry you have to deal with all this, but hey - you're able to handle this, and very well I might add. I'm glad you got the chance to actually TALK with your mom and dad. I think you're smart to not rock with boat too much more with mom and dad. They do love you, and your dad has every right to be concerned about strangers calling you.

    Well, enjoy the adrenalin rush that comes from that euphoric feeling of FREEDOM!!

    Try to remember to show your love to mom and dad. best of luck Richie. we're all here rooting for you!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Try to remember to show your love to mom and dad. best of luck Richie. we're all here rooting for you!

    Amen to that! Remember, they've known, loved and protected you the longest....you'll be an older man with a family and they'll still be around watching your backside - don't alienate them, they really are on your side, even if you disagree over a few issues. Some people can only wish they had both parents worrying and caring about them.

    Take care...nothing's ever as bad as it seems.

  • lucifer

    (((((I Heart Richie))))) you rock! good luck with the homefront

  • Poztate
    I'll give details later, but I wore a black suit with a white french cuff shirt, red tie, and about half abottle of old spice. I looked damn good, and I really scared them...

    Ah...The good old red tie (power symbol) and dressed up to the hilt.It showed you were in control of the situation.

    Hope all the BS doesn't last too long and you can get on with the rest of your life in peace.

    All the best to you Richie......POZ

  • Oroborus21

    person that turned you in) I turned you into your brothers for your own good. Gal ?:? says "do not be misled, god is not one to be mocked" This way you will stop bringing reproach upon Jehovah God by working with apostates.

    funny, this person that sent this must of been on an apostate site too. odd when the society says JW's shouldn't

    Kw13: Maybe. But there is also the possibility that Richie's info/posts were reposted at some unobjectionable site or forwarded to the person who reported him.



    best of luck to you. There are consequences for our choices in life and you were fully aware of the consequences of your actions. I don't approve of everything that you do or say but I am glad you have made your own choices and will no longer be trying to live a double-life. there is a peace that somes with living more authentically.

    I think there is one lesson, however, for others similarly situated as yourself, and that is that they should be better prepared to face the consequences or for exiting the Organization if that is what they desire. I am a bit shocked that you seem to have put no thought into savings or planning for your future. In my opinion a young man of 18 should be prepared to leave the nest, including establishing your own bank acct, savings, part-time job, and cell-phone (when you are able to enter into a contract for one). I hope you will be able to pull things together and be truly free AND independent.

    Also on a personal nature, I think you should work out and lose some weight. We want you to live a long full life and you do not appear to be healthy. You seem gregarious and confident and those are good qualities, perhaps being a Witness has helped you develop those qualities, but feeling good about your health, weight and being in good shape will do wonders for you and your future. (let's do it together, pm me when you get a chance, if you want to work on a plan together or encourage each other to work out and stay in shape).

    take care,


  • VM44

    Richie's Mom, "who are all these people?"

    Richie's got the network!


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Richie, thanks for updating us, I am so glad to hear from you and it sounds like things went better than you had hoped! I can't wait to hear more details! I'm sure it's still hard but think of how much better you will feel after it's all completely out and done with.

    I was reading the thread that had letters to your mom, and it made me tear up. I hope your parents make the right choice!!!!!

  • lonelysheep

    (((((Ritchie)))) So glad you're ok!! I'll look for your next update.

    Do what you have to do to keep a roof over your head.

  • Emma

    Eduardo, ever hear of a "pm" as in "private message?"

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