"1975" in Time, July 18 1969

by Lady Lee 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well, I have been sorting through thousands of files I have collected over the last 10 years about JWs and the WTS. it is going to take a while but eventually Elsewhere will get them. But every now and then I will post something that I had no idea I had.

    Like this little gem.

    It was very common for the media to be in attendance at the DCs. Back then the WTS was making sure everyone thought they were wonderful. So I guess they invited Time magazine to come on in and see how great they were. They even published a picture of Knorr.


  • JAVA

    Thanks for posting this article, Lady Lee. I was in the JW-fog in 1969--this brings back many memories. Still shaking my head after all of these years . . .

  • Emma

    Oh, I remember these assemblies. I attended the eight day assembly in Chicago before leaving for a series in Europe. It was a wonderful year for my unenlightened, youthful self.

  • DannyHaszard

    Yankee Stadium 1975 prediction by Time magazine. I was there age 13 1969 with my mom, dad, brother, sister and my cousin Ricky.In 15 more months i would be stricken with severe ulcerative colitis and be cured of the malady in 1975 and be delivered from the military draft,ahhh the memories

  • stillajwexelder

    Definitely needs to go in your Best of Section LADY LEE

  • BrendaCloutier

    We went to the Vancouver BC convention. Skipping the meeting with my nephew, we went over and rode the roller coaster and a couple other rides.

    We watched to moon walk from our hotel room, with lousy TV reception.

    Sitting in the sun, I got my knees and the back of my neck sunburnt. I was 13 also.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    Gawd! I remember that DC in ' 68!! I was in my prime, aged 26, and the release of the "[Un]Truth", the first in the series of pocket loads of dynamite.

    A bug eyed speaker from the platform told us to pay particular attention to the fact that the book had 22 chapters, and was designed to be completed with our "Bible" studies in 6 months!! The time was simply too short, and there were too many who needed to be brought into the "ark" so anyone who had not made up their mind within 6 months had to be dropped and we were to move onto the next one.

    Stirring standing-on-tiptoe kind of stuff.

    Then of course it was discovered that the "truth" book was'nt in fact true, we had to drop, not the studies, but the bloody book itself !!

    Sic transit gloria


  • JeffT

    More proof of one of my contentions over this issue.

    Since the failure of 1975 the Society has consistently said that some witnesses ran ahead of them on this, that they never said something would happen then. If that was the case, why did they not make Time print a retraction? If it had been pointed out to the editors that the article was factually in error they would certainly have done so to protect their journalistic reputation.

    I've maintained all along that the WTBS knew what it was doing.

  • one

    I was there...

    now, was the writer (Time) getting ahead of the org, where or how did she/he arrive to such conclusions ?

    did the wt write a letter to Time to make corrections? (like they did to the London newspaper regarding the association with the UN.)

    No wonder Knorr died right after the 1975 fiasco, just like russell did fight after the 1914 fiasco...

    Rutherford? well he was a lawyer, they are trainned to survive, so he did just a bit longer....

  • one

    I was there...

    now, was the writer (Time) getting ahead of the org, where or how did she/he arrive to such conclusions ?

    did the wt write a letter to Time to make corrections? (like they did to the London newspaper regarding the association with the UN.)

    No wonder Knorr died right after the 1975 fiasco, just like russell did fight after the 1914 fiasco...

    Rutherford? well he was a lawyer, they are trainned to survive, so he did just a bit longer. ...

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