Do any uk watchtower members monitor this site?

by eve342832 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • eve342832

    do you have the address

  • eve342832

    ok fair comment,what do i do if they dont believe me

  • ballistic

    Hi eve. Can you be a bit more specific. Who do you mean by "they".

  • eve342832

    sorry,the elders i mean

  • ballistic


    firstly the local elders in your area are unlikely to view this board but as some have pointed out, it's not impossible.

    secondly, if you really want to make a point to the elders it would be best to do that directly and not over the internet.

    thirdly, whether they believe you or not depends on what you have to tell them. There may be reasons such as their primary comitment to the Watchtower Society that would present difficulties. We have seen them lie in court for this reason.

  • eve342832

    i was going to write to them,but dont have the address,second point the elders are not fair people, that much i know.Thirdly i just recieved an email from ex,after him telling me he cant talk to me anymore,coming on this site i have spoke to a few people who have tried to help me,which is great and what i need.Then this email causes the few steps forward that i make to put me right back to the start,its confusing and my ex is marrying a jw in july,and its all wrong for her and for me,but every woman he has met,he does this to them.controls them with everything he you see why in demented,hes telling me he loves me and i just want to scream.

  • ballistic

    OK eve, I'm not a professional advisor, but let me get this straight. Your ex is a JW. You are not. He's been up to no good and is marrying another woman who you feel he will control like he did you? I think you need to move on. He obviously still has a hold over you. You are right in your suspicions that the elders will not take you seriously because they tend to favor someone on the "inside" as do a lot of organisations. You may do better to take any serious offenses up with the police.

    Having said that, we are all here for you. It just may take you a long time to get to grips with all the teachings etc before we can accomplish anything.

  • eve342832

    what do you meann by your last sentence exactly

  • ballistic

    I mean, you could go through the details of what exactly has happened and we could pick it apart and discuss how the elders would handle it \ whether they would believe it \ what the probable outcome would be. You were worried about privacy, but there again if I was to offer that service by Personal Message I would be afraid you would view me as an expert which I am not. Sometimes when you throw things open to a message board - you get lots of different opinions.

  • eve342832

    i understand now,i know that in a few years that another woman will be in the same state of mind as myself all because of his lies and i will feel guilty about it because i didnt say anything.

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