It's difficult because we don't know the full details of what you are saying, and I am affected by my own experience which was a JW mother married to my JW step dad who had an anger problem, no concept of how to relate to children, occasional serious physical abuse, borderline personality disorder. When he started sleeping with his pioneer partner, my mother took the opportunity to divorce him. But several months later he was re-instated. So... you want to get this guy chucked out? Is it worth it?
Do any uk watchtower members monitor this site?
by eve342832 34 Replies latest jw friends
not thrown out,not that because without the jw's hed commit suicide,hes confused and is hurting people and its so wrong,i just want him to stop and maybe its me that has to tell him this,only id feel that im abandoning him even though hes getting married,im not one for hurting people in any manner,and thats how id feel.stupid really.if i tell him to leave me alone ,he tells me i dont care,i do care ,i adore him but i do have to have a life and hes chose not to marry me,but at the same time he doesnt want another man anywhere near me.
I'm sorry to tell you this eve but I think you need professional help as well as him. I only have to go on words you have typed on a keyboard. I could be completely wrong.
If you can use the send message feature on this web site, I will give you all the help I can.
i have been honest and said im confused,my brain is so messed up ,saying that i educate my son at home and hes passed his exams a year before other kids his age,so im doing something right,its total brainwashing and mind control which my doctor says take a tablet and i will be fine,thats ok if you want to sit about and feel nothing,that wont address any problems will it,just shuts them out,so what do you suggest
Tell your son he's a good lad from us.
Sad emo
sorry just jumping back in here eve
you said:
my doctor says take a tablet and i will be fine,thats ok if you want to sit about and feel nothing,that wont address any problems will it,just shuts them out,so what do you suggest
That's not how it usually works these days. Your doctor - assuming he knows a good deal of the facts - will more likely prescribe tablets and arrange counselling - whether that is in a secular setting or at the local psych unit.
The meds he prescribes will NOT leave you 'feeling nothing', they WILL enable you to live your life more normally WHILST you address the problems you're experiencing.
I suggest therefore that you see the doctor asap. Sorry if it sounds like I'm giving you the hard word here.
Take care of yourself, stop worrying about what the ex will or won't do he's history - and his problems are his, not yours!
emo (not the only one on JWD who's been there)
its ok really.dont be sorry you done nothing wrong just spoke your mind,tablets are no good ive tried trust me,its really having to release all this frustration inside,yesterday i was crying all day and today screaming ,maybe the next day will be easier,ive not been allowed to show any emotions and coming on this site and reading what others have had to come to terms with have just opened everything up to me, but its needed to happen.
Sad emo
(((eve))) crying and screaming releases deep healing.
On the meds - have you tried different sorts? It may be you just need to try a different one.
And are you seeing a counsellor? If not, I really do recommend you ask to be referred - but if you do, they're the same as meds - if a counsellor isn't 'doing it for you' seek another!
I have to sign off now - it's way past bedtime and I'm starting to hallucinate!
thanks,you take care ,goodnight.