Dan Sydlik dies, the last of the moderating forces.

by SadElder 126 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence

    i believe his wife works in the design/build department. She was not friendly though, you would pass her in the hallways and she would never say hi. She did not seem happy in Bethel. She did get on people's nerves in Bethel though.

    I think Danny had a personal crisis of conscience and was hoping that things changed ... he is not the type of person to take charge though.

    He knew what happened to Ray ... the same would happen to him. I mean, hey, you have it made in Bethel (i know i was there). It's a freakin trap. That is why many don't speak up at bethel ... How do you start over??? Many can't just start up a life outside of Bethel! I know older bethelites who freakin dreaded getting the boot cause they know they can't make it out here.

  • Dogpatch

    I was no fan of Dan's and consider him to be one of the pompous men who run "God's organization" when I was at Bethel. Although for 5 of the 6 years I spent at Bethel I had respected him as well, "Can give nice talks, has the killer wife, wtc., he was unremarkeable in many respects. He didn't stand up for Ray Franz when he could have, or for the blood issue or Malawi. I consider him a coward. But he did aid me when I called back to Bethel while on summer vacation during my last year there and asked if I could leave Bethel service without returning to Bethel and he worked it out as a fellow Bethel elder. Too bad he died before he could have stood up to that jerk Jarasz.



  • kid-A

    I needed anti-nausea medication to get through this thread. The best comment was from skally, to reiterate : boo-f**king-hoo!!!

    What we are seeing here is the classic "Albert Speer" Nuremberg defense in action: "Sure he served on a board of directors responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent children, an enforcer of the most absurd and mind-controlling, cultish rule systems leading to the destruction of countless lives, the breakdowns of countless families....but gosh darn it !! Dan gave such wonderful talks and was such a swell guy!! HE WAS ONLY FOLLOWING ORDERS! He was only 1 voice !!! What could he have done???

    Bullocks!!! Sydlik had choices. He could have looked around at the destructive effects his fellow GB members were creating and made a REAL effort to effect change, as Ray Franz did. But no, he was more than happy to maintain the "status quo" at Brooklyn and enjoy the perks of power along with Henschel, Jaracz and all the other bony old farts. For gawds sake people, Josef Goebbels was also a great speaker, which apparently said little for the man's underlying character. I have heard Sydliks talks, and the word best describing him was "slick".....

    The very title of this thread is ridiculous. The definition of a "FORCE" is something that effects CHANGE. Sydlik did nothing of the sort and failed to "moderate" ANY of the watchtower policies.

    The only thing sad here is the memory of the lives lost to the policies Sydlik contributed to and supported. As for him, just another wasted and impotent life, devoted to the service of a cult.

    >Hasta la vista, Dan.......

  • blondie

    By age and baptized pre-1935 and post 1935 Pre-1935 Carey Barber - 100 Albert Schroeder - 94 (deceased 2006) John Barr - 92 Daniel Sydlik - 86 (deceased 2006) Post-1935 (All Ted's Men?) Theodore Jaracz - 80
    Samuel Herd - 70 (new in 2000)(only black member) Guy Pierce - 70 (new in 2000) Gerrit Lösch -63 (new in 1994)
    David Splane - 61 (new in 2000)
    Steven Lett - 56 (new in 2000)
    Anthony Morris - 55 (new as of 8/25/05)
    Geoffrey Jackson - 50 (new as of 8/25/05)

  • anewme

    The Watchtower Society lost a very good speaker.


    He was a very down to earth guy, I am also a little saddened by his death. Breakfast at Cranberrys... another ex-Bethelite I presume?

  • Victorian sky
    Victorian sky

    He did the dedication talk at my old kg hall. Sure he was a great speaker but he wasn't a great man. He didn't have the courage to speak out, maybe if he did, lives would've been saved. He's just as blood guilty as Teddy Boy. For Dan, I don't think meeting his Maker was the happy reunion he envisioned, not at all.

  • xjwms

    dan Sydlik

    was one of the strongest speakers I ever heard. ....and..... He was polish.

  • RichieRich

    A man's death is better than his birth, he leaves a legacy, yadda yadda.

    All I want to say is that I'd like to think I had something to do with it.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Geeze I don't believe you guys, you're crying over the death of a monster. Yes he was a moderate but he still sat on the GB. He still sat and went along with policies that have resulted in deaths of people and the destruction of families and lives.

    All those shredding tears stop for a second and ask yourselves what this man would have done if he had seen you on the street. Would he have shown you any respect would he have been nice to you?

    No he would have SHUNNED you.

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