someone needs to sever your messages seriously come up with something that is worth someone castigating Severus and by the way take that queer ass photo off your message block, you will never be that hollywood or entertaining
Describe the S-77/79 BLUE ENVELOPE
by Severus 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
i suspect beanorama is drunk and bored.
i also suspect he will be 86'd soon -
At least caeomas isn't as offensive as beanorama.
A few years ago I asked about these special blue envelopes. was told they are normal light blue envelopes. I toyed with the idea of offering a "service" to people to send to Bethel a message for them, (probably from several choice messages or create your own) - might still do it on my website.
They are #10-24 or #10-20 blue Springhill envelopes. The two are so very much alike, so whatever they have in stock. Very generic. You can even go to a paper convenience store that services printshops and get a few samples for free (those that carry Springhill paper, which is an International Paper brand). Springhill bond is a very widely used paper.Hope this helps,
That is so freaking awesome disfellowship someone for me while your at it!
Where's a moderator to torpedo these idiotic trolls?
Also, I forgot to add that there is nothing to do printing wise (congregationally, for instance, Dookeyville, USA ) in the sender portion of the envelope . Just run the envelope through your desktop printer with 3, 1 point rules about an inch and a half wide with the leading about 1/4 between and you will be fine.Dino
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