I am curious if anyone still calls their god jehovah. When I think of jehovah all I can think of is what they taught me. It was true at first I felt a much more personal and stronger relationship with god when giving him a name, however certain things they taught forced me to see him as a cold and unloving god. So if anyone has been able to separate the WTBS's version of jehovah from their own and maintain the closeness with god, please, advice on how this is done.
Do you still refer to God as Jehovah?
by nomoreTRUTHplz 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That is a great question. The name Jehovah is so tightly wovened around the JWism that it is hard to separate em.Personally - I would like to believe in Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus but without ever to have known the JWs. I don't worry too much about that anymore. I did in the beginning though. I believe He will reveal all things in due time. No sense in racking my brains :-)
well - let's see what others come up with.
wac - Xelder Xbethelite
No. I feel it is extremely disrespectful. I don't call my own father by his given name, why would I presume to use God's name? Not only that, we don't even know if the name commonly used is actually the name, or how it is pronounced. It took me a long time to decide if I believed in God after I left and I wasn't sure I was capable of having faith in anything ever again. Ultimately I decided that I do believe in God, but it was a decision that took much time and soul searching. Finding faith after all the spiritual abuse as witnesses is a highly personal journey, and one that I honestly can't put into words other than to say that it takes time and a lot of personal examination.
I reject the concept of a manmade "god"...
If the Maker is so concerned about me...he knows where he can reach me, anytime!
u/d(of the reject manmade "gods" and live class)
James Free
No - it's not God's name. Even the WT admits that, but say they use it because it's the most well known way of saying it.
But for me, after so many years in the Org., the name represents the Witnesses version of God, vindictive and slow, allowing millions to suffer because of some celestial court case that could and should have been settled thousands of years ago.
Firstly I would have to clarify, I'm not sure if I believe in 'a god' anymore.
However, I do not think of god as Jehovah, this stopped quite quickly when I realised that Jesus and all his apostles never did! The WTBS have put the name in the new testamant in thousands of places where it wasn't in the original Greek. Please check this out for yourself, it's quite disturbing!
I did an internet search under tetragrammaton and found some brilliant websites, I will try and look them up for you.
If Gods own son did not mention his name in every sentence, and neither did the people who knew him intimately, I presume it was because they did not use the name Jehovah.
It appears you want a relationship with 'God' so I may not be the best person to ask, but I think Lord, or Father is a much better form of address.
"Jehovah, Jehovah... Who is this Jehovah?"
This thread reminded me of the dramas I used to order on cassette tape back in the day. The 90s that is. That was my day. LOL
Anyways, I remember I listened to the Rahab and Moses dramas quite a bit. LOL I'm a sucker for corny things. I'd probably still enjoy listening to them. Call me crazy. LOL -
I would have to agree with you James Free for me it also represents their version and he is vindictive and slow. That was one of my questions all along, why must god wait all this time and let everyone suffer because of what adam and eve did? Why not just start over? When i asked this the answer was that would not have atually solved the issue it would have come up again later. But I say what is the difference between killing them on the spot for disobeying and killing everyone at armageddon who doesn't listen or everyone who doesnt accept him after the 1,000 years. Does it really prove that his way is right by letting mankind suffer only to wipe them out any more than killing adam and eve on the spot. Either way that logic boils down to "Serve me or DIE." To me that is basically killing anyone who disagrees, does it really prove one right just because they kill anyone with a different view???
YHWH never appears in the New Testament. Jesus taught his followers to refer to God as Father, a far more endearing term than Jehovah.
I try to refer to him as Father now, though the word Jehovah is so ingrained into my vocabulary that it is hard to shake the term. I do not feel there is any harm in using the word Jehovah unless it makes you resent God.
This is something ive been thinking for a long time. Ive been fading for 2 years, so have gone through many emotions, but sometimes i feel guilty that I may have rejected God as well as the borg. So sometimes I want to pray, the problem is everytime I start and say the name Jehovah, im pulled straight back to the societys mind set of God, and so cant do it.
Recently ive just been using father and I must say it does feel different. This might sound strange but I dont even know if there is a God. A never ending journey I suppose.