Pink slips at Bethel

by beavis 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence
    I'm a newbie here and an Atheist, but have a wife and four kids fanatical JWs. ; Last Fall I toured the facilities at Paterson and the Farm with the family. ; Was very inpressed with the printing facilities. ; However the talk at that time there was about the Brooklyn staff and what they did if anything. ; I'm not sure if it has already been mentioned on this thread but could the layoff be mostly at Brooklyn because all the printing is being done at the Farm? ; I'm a little curious about it and why it's happening if true.


    I was in Bethel for 10 years. Since the GB stopped all new contruction in BROOKLYN, the DESIGN/BUILD department and the CONTRUCTION dept. which are headquartered in Brooklyn suffered greatly. The residence building at Livingtston was/is being vacated because it was/is being put on the market. Then you had Export Shipping and all the Printing facilities relocated from Brooklyn to Wallkill. Mainly the "thought would be lifers" BROOKLYN Bethelites have more to fear than WALLKILL or PATTERSON bethelites. - wac

  • hamsterbait


    They are dumping the older ones because a recent court case ruled that the WT had a legal resposibility to provide healthcare for those who had been serving at Brothel. (A physiotherapist, I think - BLONDIE get here now we need you!!!!!)

    They just don't want to spend any of their billions caring for the elderly trash they throw out.

    I reckon they will soon give out limited term contracts to young one for BS, and they will only keep on the ones with degrees in accounting, law, and computing.

    I stopped giving money when I found out that it is not given unconditionally as I did, but merely loaned with interest.


  • truthseeker

    *** Watchtower 1969 March 15 p.171 What Influences Decisions in Your Life? ***

    12 The influence and spirit of this world is to get ahead, to make a name for oneself. Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them "brainwash" you with the Devil's propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any "future" this world offers is no future! Wisely, then, let God's Word influence you in selecting a course that will result in your protection and blessing. Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal. This is a life that offers an everlasting future!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    *** Watchtower 1969 March 15 p.171 What Influences Decisions in Your Life? ***

    12 The influence and spirit of this world is to get ahead, to make a name for oneself. Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them "brainwash" you with the Devil's propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any "future" this world offers is no future! Wisely, then, let God's Word influence you in selecting a course that will result in your protection and blessing. Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal. ;This is a life that offers an everlasting future!

    DAMM!!! Play on words!!!! They got me!!! WAC of the "Got suckered" once but not twice class.

  • silentWatcher

    A chiropractor at Bethel injured herself, sued for diability / workman's compensation on grounds she was an employee. WT claimed she was member of religious order and they were not liable. NY state court ruled in her favor, and ruled that most Bethelites should be classfied as employees.

    After the judgement, Jehovah provided the wonderful provision of the massive downsizing. :-)

    I can't find the article; but it was commented on here awhile back.


  • Oroborus21

    Still waiting for proof, more than just anecdotal evidence, of the "massive layoffs" at Bethel....

    By the way SilentWatcher, I have been meaning to inquire....has there been any further development in the Worker's Comp case/situation? (See the old thread on JWD) It was stated in the news article that the WT appealed the decision and according to the NY WC board webpage, it should have been scheduled and the rehearing should have been held by now.

    Does anyone in New York know anything further about this case/ruling? I never saw it posted on the NY WC board webpage.


    PS: the term "pink slips" shouldn't be confused with the same term (archaic) for the ownership papers, title of an automobile or for sexy undergarments for that matter.

  • looking_glass

    If someone can give me the plaintiff's name, I will do a search under appellate records and see what I can find. Unfortunately, I tried to do a google search and a broad search thru pacer and came up w/ nothing. Do you know if the case was filed before the Labor Board or possibly the industrial commission, in that case, those records are not accessible thru pacer. If I find it I will post it.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    OROBORUS: Bethel cannot afford to layoff a workforce all at once. Everything that Bethel has implemented takes a long time. I know, I was there for 10 years and others can vouch.

    It's not like they are losing money and can't afford the workers buy keeping them longer...many bethelites are marked to leave the Island. The congregations already got wind that bethel is downsizing and are wondering what is happening to the org. If the society dropped so many at once that would send the wrong message.


  • looking_glass

    I understands Oroborus' need for proof. I think that it is noble to want to see something in print considering everything that we have fell for in the past with little proof.

    I do believe what was reported here first and confirmed by my mom after her recent visit to the HQ. She mentioned the old couple that made Bethel their career and now they rightfully feel that the HQ's should take care of them. This couple did not have kids, they did not build a nest egg, they served as missionaries and then returned to do traveling work and then went to work for Bethel. They were and are lifers.

    Just like the people who worked for Enron who thought that they were building up a nest egg only to find that others got rich off of them. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the FDS are getting rich off of people, I think they get a charge out of being on the board, so power makes them wealthy, not money.

    But what I am saying is that years ago when the young guys entered Bethel, it was not to be a temporary thing but a commitment for a long term future. When the guys left Bethel, people always acted as if it was a sad thing. So for those people who have been there 20 odd years, this sucks for them. My heart goes out to those people, I am sure they are wondering where their place is and questioning things. But how horrible to question everything you have done and believed in for 20 odd years. They lived in a bubble and now that bubble has burst. That has got to be tough.

    Again, if someone can get me a name, I will look it up and post what I find. But again, I tried various searches thru various court search engines and I have not come up with anything that comes close to the chiro case.


    looking_glass said regarding her mom:

    She said that when the 20 year old kid was giving them the tour and telling them how loving it was for the WTBTS to send out special pioneers to areas where the need was great, she said out loud "your too young to understand this kid, but these people thought they were going to be lifers and now they are getting kicked to the curb. it is the same as working for a company for 25 years and then being told - sorry no retirement plan for you because we are too cheap to pay you what you deserve."

    Sure your mom's a JW? What a lady! I could have used a kindred spirit like her during my sentence.

    Regarding this latest WT treachery, the following comment was contained in an email being circulated by a female Bethelite. I've excerpted it from her message which otherwise relates in lengthy detail various GB members' talks during the recent Gilead graduation:

    There has been a lot of change recently. We had the announcement a few months back that there would be a large reduction of personnel in the U.S. Bethel because of the new efficient equipment, and also lots of the work has shifted to other branches. Jehovah's chariot keeps moving forwards. Many have already been asked to leave, some to go to another Bethel in another country, some as special pioneers, some as missionaries and others as regular pioneers. There is a huge emphasis being put on the ministry, as it's the most important work we could all be doing at this time. Every day, more and more are leaving, but they all have positive attitudes and trust that Jehovah will take care of them.
    Anyone who's been a Witness for more than a week realizes s/he has zero choice but to put on an outward display of a "positive attitude and confidence that Jehovah will take care of them." The truth is what they're feeling in their bowels is another matter altogether.


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