Milton Henschel knows... :) He really "ain't" THAT BRAIN-DEAD... :) Ditto for his phony fronts and henchmen toadies! Come on over to folks for some really solid spiritual food and fellowship just like I do. It'll make you strong to the finish! :)
My heart quickened at your posts until I read your comment about DOs consulting with COs. You are misreading recent training schools for traveling overseers prior to the schools for U.S. elders in November and December.
You have put together a mishmash of scant facts and much conjecture above, including comments about Milton Henschel. You keep stating he is in charge, just like you insisted J B Schroeder was in charge. Anybody who REALLY knows the situation will tell you Milton has been mentally incompetent for a very long time. I know, I met with him recently. It is Ted Jaracz who is the hardest of the GB breed and not Milton, who truly is out of the picture and has been for some time.
Charles will be the first to tell you he is an observer from afar and has no "inside" sources. I miss the presence on the board of those who really know what's going on. Downsizing is real.
Is the Watchtower Society running scared? You bet. They've had the gun placed to their temple and they have blinked.
The casual reader should exercise great caution before buying into everything said in this thread. That is not to take away from the web site group "jahchristian" noted above, or the good motive of its founder.