Bethel Closed Today!

by silentlambs 64 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sf

    "She also heard they are including stock in the bomb making plant they own too,..."


    Please post any other info you can that she heard re: the "stock in bomb company".

    Thank you, sKally

  • Pathofthorns
    Please post any other info you can that she heard re: the "stock in bomb company".

    LOL. C'mon people. Give me a break.


  • sf

    I'm not sure what the "c'mon" implies. Here are a few (35) pages to sift through re: "stock in bomb company". I have others that were not of this search. This should keep you busy comparing "notes":


    sKally, call me Krazy, klass

  • TweetieBird

    Judah Ben is an attorney??? What a huge double-standard.

    While I was encouraged to pioneer and scrub toilets and not worry about a college education, the son of an "anointed" (GB, no less) was off getting his law degree?

    Is anyone else as pissed as I am about this!

    I'm sorry people but this really gripes my ass! I can't even find the words to express my anger over this.

    I would have thought Judah Ben would have pioneered and eventually become a missionary. Those were the goals we were instructed to have, not a career.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • MadApostate


    Both Anchor and Maximus have stated to Anuttyperson that JBS is NOT an attorney. However, as Anuttyperson has repeatedly demonstrated, he will not allow "facts" to get in the way of his grudge against the WTS.

    Here is the thread if you wish to verify:

  • anewperson

    VERIFYING will show that I'm not "nutty," that JUDAH BEN SCHROEDER IS AN ATTORNEY. [email protected] in his note on the link never denied what I said and Alan knows Judah personally. In fact what Alan doesn't state (for whatever personal reasons such as he like Judah?)but that I will tell any readers here is that they gave Judah a celebration party for becoming an attorney aboard a yacht and this caused a stir in Brooklyn. I'm not sure if his name also appears on a letter to France that denounced France taxing the WTS (Swingle then alive was big on this thing which blew up in the WTS's face) but will check on that or just which open letter or other document of the WTS's it also appears on.

  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    Once again you demonstrate your total ignorance of the facts, anewperson. MadApostate is factually correct.

    This "party" was his wedding reception, a long time ago!

    Judah Ben is NO ATTORNEY but was long ago shafted by being given a crap job retraining people! He was with public relations but was DEMOTED. Your circular reasoning says the world would know such a fall--because you THINK he ran the world because of his father's position. He did NOT. MAKE A SIMPLE TELEPHONE CALL TO BROOKLYN AND VERIFY THIS! Correct your comments or stand completely discredited.

    Alan, would you give this guy an affidavit or something?

    Your credibility continues to dwindle to zero, anewperson.

    I have great empathy for your Jah Christian group, but you do great disservice to all of us when you present UNTRUTH as FACT. Henschel "led us into this mud hole"? Once again you betray TOTAL IGNORANCE. You don't trust me? Then ask Randy Watters, who will tell you I am absolutely correct.

    I'm really irate that you throw names around that you know nothing about, because you mislead people here!!!!

  • nytelecom1

    and the reason for the unaswered phones were..........drumroll..

    gilead meal.gilead grad is this weekend..there was an extra long lunch...all "phone assignments" were kept at a minimum....hence
    it was likely anyone who called would wait awhile..

  • Seeker

    Gilead meal? Is that all it was? All this fuss for nothing. Well, not for nothing. I used to love Gilead lunch! People had some wine and headed down for the best meal of the year. Extra long, and extra good.

  • anewperson

    Henschel was President from the time Fred Franz died until early this year. During his tenure he had the opportunity to steer the Gov Body into changing policies but did not.

    I am a fan of the Free Christians movement but it's not MY group, nor anyone else's. Each group and individual who associates within it is independent though naturally tending to be cooperate, the same structuring successful with Baptists, Congregationalists, Unitarians for hundreds of years.

    Judah Ben Schroeder's name also appeared in a directory of attorneys when I consulted it in a legal library. I will also see if I can't refind that directory for the forum's benefit now that you continue trying to discredit my statement.

    You also say I think "the world ran" because of his father's position as a Gov Body member. I never said that. I said his dad Albert and he have much influence and influence does equate to power.

    My statements are all true. You say just call the WTBTS and get a correct answer. You and the one called Mad are one and the same in suggesting this but one cannot and should not trust things the WTBTS says including about the son of a Gov Body member.

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