Where in the scriptures do we find that a persons spirituality is judged by how many meetings, how many field service hours and comments one makes? (this is practiced in the congregations in case you didnt know)
Measuring your spirituality
by architect 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
You can't measure "spirituality"...
But the Witnoids CAN and DO measure things that they equate with it....
Once again.... going way beyond what they're so-called leader JC taught.
so what "units" do they measure spirituality with?... spiritumeters? centispititumeters?....
actually, I was just looking at the World Almanac;
and they measure "spirits" in: Pony(s)
Quart(s) &
And it seems that is you proclaim to be of the 144,000
they measure in: Rehoboam(s)
Balthazar(s) &
Whoes business is it anyway? Thats why everything in the witness world is so false and everyone is so worried about how you look on the outside that they completley miss the point.
Its really none of the congregations or elders business for them to measure your spituality but they do. Concern yes, sincere brotherly concern but all this judging.
Those are not indicators of a person's spirituality but they serve the purpose of the WTS very well if you go to field service you sell their books and their business benefits and moves forward.
That's why you are a nobody in the JWS if you don't preach, you are labelled as inactive and a weak brother. It's the pressure to get them on with selling their publications.
If an otherwise moral person is described as spiritually weak (not preaching) there is something fishy going on. -
The PO at my congo is said to very strong spiritually.
He has four daughters all DF´ed
His wife is in the final stages of terminal cancer and rather than stay with her as long as he can, he volunteers for additional Dub crap. The sisters are on rotating shifts to take care of his wife, clean his house, fix the meals, do the shopping etc.
Of course because he is a ¨good¨ Dub, his daughter are not allowed to see their Mom so basically STRANGERS are taking care of her in her last days because the guy is such an ass.
But he is ¨strong¨
Witnoids use the barometers of "hours", "meetings", "placements", "Bible Studies", and "personal study" to measure the unmeasurable...
Can't you just see Jesus doing all of that?
u/d(of the one mans "spirituality" is another man's belly laugh class)
MinisterAmos - That's an awful story. Do you know if this poor lady wants to see her daughters? What a tragedy for them.
To be 'Spiritually Strong' in JW terms, is to be 'Terminally Stupid' in everyone with half a brain's terms. So Sad.
There are tons of fotos of the daughters in the house and their Mom enjoys passing them around as best she can. She is only in her forties or so. I have to guess that she would like to see her daughters but can't buck the system now so close to the end.
The whole shunning thing seems to be enforced by the spiritually strong, annointed husband who has less chance of entering paradise than either Bill Gates or a camel if you ask me.
I try not to judge but the guy already threw away his daughters and now his wife for his shot at being a Prince. Sad because there are two Sisters in the congo whose job is to make sure at least one Sister is assigned to be with his wife at all times because she is doesn't want to die alone and has said so many times. They are also tasked to clean, cook and do whatever else is necessary to keep the husband from having to cut back in the ministry. If a Sister says "No" then she is either marked or beaten with guilt, something like "why don't you want to help the poor lady who is dying?"
I'm dying to hear one mention that it's her husband, the spiritually strong one, who doesn't want to help.