There is a few things that I am involved in, and have been for quite sometime. I feel that it is important to raise my children in this type of environment, so that they see outside of the box, and not be so closed minded on our surroundings. Many are in need, and it is easy to close our eyes and forget.
My main Charity work will always benefit Children.
This weekend I have gathered many things from my house such as kids clothes, shoes, jackets...and I bought many Blankets, Cook ware, along with Money etc... This will all go to Easter Seals. Easter Seals provides services to children and adults with disabilities and support to their families. I have been doing this for about 10 years.
I am not making it known that I do this. I want to make it know it is just very simple with the little you can give, really makes such an impact on families. I am very proud to know that I don't feel that I have to do this, but that I want to and enjoy I it.
Love Brookie