Anyone do Charity work?????

by whyamihere 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    Great comments and stories everyone.

    Finished just this morning at 7am. Not too bad, well on to the next Charity.

    A really good cause is "Winter Coats for Kids"...that's were you donate your old usable jackets for children who are without. I gather my children's jackets, but I go to the stores around here and buy what they have left in stock(spring time). Good thing is I know some of the owners and I can get a good deal. Then I store the jackets until Fall, and take them in by the time they start collecting. I have done this since I was 15. Its a nice little fun easy cause to get into that makes a big difference.


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Hi Brooke,

    I knew you were nice, but to find out you do charity work're so sweet!

    I make quilts for Project Linus - they give quilts to children who are sick in the hospital and have branched out to giving quilts to kids who are in hard family situations. They will sometimes give the quilts to the police and fire department to distribute when they give out Teddy Bears.

    I also Moderate my local Freecycle email list. I believe so much in this organization. They give everything away for free. People ask for and receive items they need or want.

    Best Regards,

    Chrystal Visit me @ Myspace:

  • kid-A

    I volunteer at a local "Aphasia Centre" as a speech facilitator. This is for stroke victims who are suffering from Aphasia (stroke-induced damage to the brain's language centres) making it extremely difficult for them to speak. Basically, we just spend an hour or two trying to facilitate their speech ability in a group discussion format.

    I dont have much time for it anymore, but its extremely rewarding, actually seeing their communication skills improve. The lives and careers of these stroke victims have been shattered, so having a place where they can practice and re-train their language skills in a safe, non-threatening environment is extremely important.

  • hamsterbait

    i just sponsor a couple of children. I know its lazy, but at least it has more tangible results than hours hawking the WT from door to bore.

    Anyway, Hamsters are sleeping most of the time...


  • acadian

    Hi Brooke, I'm not sure this is charity work but what I do is buy Mini Storage units,
    When people don't pay the bill they get put up for auction. Buying storage units is like going on a treasure hunt, you never know what you will find. And you do find some real treasures in those units, but a few things you find a lot of are clothes of all types, kids toys, house hold items like pots & pans. Quite a lot of house hold stuff, furniture you name it. What I do is keep the most valuble to sell, and then give the rest away, like clothes, kitchen and house hold items, and funiture The way I give my stuff away is, either though yard sales or take it to differant charities in the area.

    But I don't just give my stuff free to anybody, when a exspensive car with nicely dressed people ( JWs ? ) get out I charge them, If a family shows up who obvisously are in need they get stuff for free. and it works out for everyone. The best part is meeting the people who are really in need of some help, to see families whole attitudes change when they can find things they need, and the faces of the kids is priceless when they get a toy or something. And the best part, is the friends I've made over the years. Acadian

  • Purza

    I tried volunteering for a program that has people visiting seniors in nursing homes, but there was very little guidance for me and I just couldn't do it. Maybe one day I will find another organization that is more "organized".

    So now I volunteer for the local Humane Society by fostering kittens. It is highly rewarding and brings myself and my family much pleasure and hours of entertainment. Of course, it is hard to let the little guys go when they are ready for adoption. However, there is always another set that need some TLC.


  • Oroborus21

    I volunteer and sit on the Board of Directors as well as serve as an officer and chair of the PR committee of the only charity dedicated to fighting Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC or primary liver cancer), the 4th leading cause of cancer related deaths in the world.

    Blue Faery The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association (

    We are a young charity, but already our patient education brochure is available in more than a dozen hospitals and clinics, and is pretty much the only easy to understand and brief resource for patients and their families about HCC. Our PEB is available in multiple languages.

    We are developing other resources and eventually will be doing a video or two along with a ton of other educational projects. Eventually, we hope to be able to fund research.

    In addition to that, I also volunteer and am a member of the Los Angeles Opera Speaker's Bureau and periodically deliver talks to various groups of all ages in the community and schools. (I have to say that being a Witness and the ministry school and the ministry helped a lot to learn to speak to audiences and individuals and overcome any fears with respect to that, as well as taught me to think on my feet and deal with questions.)


  • diamondblue1974

    I have done and continue to do pro bono work for child protection charities (but not as much as I should) as well as providing Free Representation for those without means to represent themselves in the UK labour courts (Employment Tribunals).

    I am also considering a trek up Snowdon (Mountain in Wales) and back to raise money and local awareness for Childline.

    I have to admit though I dont do enough...and perhaps I should put time aside.


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