Check out this article in our local newspaper.
I can't believe I missed it (puke alert)...
by Hecklerboy 17 Replies latest jw friends
Ah, delightful. Must have been a very slow news day.
Out of 1300 only 7 got baptized?! Is this a normal amount?
>> Out of 1300 only 7 got baptized?! Is this a normal amount?
When I was still attending assemblies in Ohio (2 years ago) that was about right, about 1/2% of the attendance would get baptized.
I'm thinking that the numbers have been going down, carla. I remember back about 15 years ago, there'd be 25 or more getting dunked at circuit assembly of 1500. At the big district assembly (about 8 to 10K in attendance) when I was baptized, there were over 200 I think ...took freakin' forever.
Just before I stopped going along with all the hogwash (ha ha) we had assemblies were no one would get baptised. I sorta thought that having a baptism talk with no one getting baptised was a waste of time.
I sorta thought that having a baptism talk with no one getting baptised was a waste of time.---Ya think? I'm sitting here laughing! They still gave a talk about it though nobody was getting baptized?! If it was anybody but the jw's...
I knew the numbers were going down drastically but it sounded extremely low to me. So, the few who get baptized must get a lot of pats on the back that day!
A baptismal talk without a baptism is dorky. " one is being baptised today but that was a fine talk Brother Doofus gave on the subject anyway. And now, lets sing song no. 202, To God We Are Dedicated, while imagining that there are baptismal candidates filing out of their special rows in front of the podium."
So I guess they copied the News Release verbatim, eh?
16 years ago there were only 4 of us baptized at a Special Assembly Day where we had about 1500. it doesn't seem unusual. Luna took my comment, it had to be an extremely slow news day or a dearth of "religious page" news for them to run the WT press release. It is pretty routine for a press release to get put out but few papers run them. -ed