Well it looks like my plan to fade might not work after all. Yesterday afternoon I was in my office when two elders stopped by for a “visit”. They came into my job and began to question me in front of my boss and my new assistant! I was caught of guard and had no idea what to do. I told them that I was at work and was rather busy and that it was not a good time, you think they would take a hint but nooooooo. They began to ask me why I had not been to meetings, what hall was I going to and what was going on with me, why was I not coming to the meetings? Again, I told them I was busy and would have to give them a call when I had some time and still they did not catch a clue, instead they take out a copy of the April 1st Watchtower and invite me to come to the special talk, then they tell me that they are starting to study a new book at the book study and give me a copy of it, at this point I’m thinking “You are BSing me right? You come into my job and try to place books and magazines with me? WTF?” At this point I’m just numb, I was speechless, my boss knows about the situation and he went into his office got on his cell phone and called the office on the main line, he told my assistant to tell me that I had an urgent call, so he screams out “Lola you have a call and it’s urgent” I look at them and say “As you can see I really don’t have time to talk, I have to take this call” and what do they do? They say its okay take the call and still don’t leave, by now I’m freaking out, I don’t know what to do to get them to leave I’m embarrassed that they are doing this to me in front of my boss and a new employee and it’s like I just froze, my brain shut down and I had no idea what to do. Finally my boss had had enough, he knows how I feel so he came out of his office and said to them “I don’t want to be rude, but Lola is busy and she is at work, please leave. You are not welcomed here and I don’t want you to come back into my office” and then he showed them the door. When they left I just started breathing really fast, my heart began to beat super fast and I just felt like I was gonna pass out. I told my boss I needed to step away for a while and I went for a one hour walk, when I came back I realized that I had broken out in hives and felt like throwing up. I don’t know how much of this I can’t take, I don’t deserve to have them make me feel this way, no one deserves to be treated like a child and that’s what they made me feel like. Sorry this got so long, I just needed to vent
I'm so angry!!!!!!
by lola28 75 Replies latest jw friends
That is so wrong!
I don't know what happened but my post is all messed up.
After repeating it was not a good time I would have quietly walked away, even if I had to go to the woman's restroom.Blondie
WTF??? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is called "trespassing" ?
Call security next time......they cant do this, especially humiliating you in front of your boss??? Lola, in your place, I would have contacted a lawyer and/or the cops by now. This is completely illegal.
Well, look at it this way. Your employer is permanently inoculated against the witnesses. I can bet none of his daughters will be allowed to date witnesses either.
(( Lola ))
They were out of line.
OH MY GOD, HOW INCREDIBLY RUDE!!!! Even when I was in full time I would never do that while business witnessing. We were always instructed to keep it short and if they wanted to talk offer to come back during their lunch break or after work. I am so sorry they did that to you. Please take a few deep breaths and let it go. You are an adult and you are right you should be treated like one. I am glad your boss was there for you. (((((((((HUGS)))))))
lola28, I hope from now on your boss will bar them from seeing you.
Remember, they cannot go into the women's restroom without breaking a serious law.