"False Prophecies or Wrong Expectations" how do JW's decide between the 2?

by booker-t 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • booker-t

    I have mentioned before that my JW's mother who has been a "devout" JW's since 1965 has defended the WTS for over 40 years. When I mention "false prophecies" and the WTS she always says that JW's are not false prophets they just had several "wrong expectations". I am so confused on this because I am wondering just what do JW's consider a "false prophet"? How do they make the decision on who is and who is not a false prophet? As I sure many of you are aware of the scriptures that they bring up such as Acts 1:6, Luke 19:11 and Jonah 4 and the scripture with Nathan the Prophet giving "erroneous" info to King David about the temple that Jehovah want to be built. Some JW's use John 21:20-22 with Peter giving false Info about the Apostle that was going to die right then and there. As my mom loves to say "Was Peter a false Prophet" since the Apostle did not die when he said? Did Jesus "rebuke" Peter for his error? My mom also says Peter was not "stoned" and according to Deut 18:22 Peter would have fit the description of a "false prophet" because he went and told the other disciples that Jesus or The Lord" had told him about the disciple dying. My mom also like to bring up Miriam the prophetess and Jehovah striking her with Leprosy for her "erroneous" info concerning Moses. My mom likes to say Jehovah deals with his Prophets and people acting as his prophet-like class in Jehovah's own way. Now I am confused, are False Prophecies really the same as "wrong Expectations" as my Mom loves to bring out? And can the WTS escape the label "false prophets" since no Christian would ever say Nathan, Peter, Miriam and Jonah were False Prophets?

  • Honesty

    Just ask her which 'wrong expectations' other groups who claim to be Christian have had in the last 100 years.

  • Poztate

    A false prophet is ALWAYS speaking of other religions and their religious leaders.

    Wrong expectations is when the WTBTS has taught something for 40 or 50 years and you bought into the BS.

    You are then chastised for having "wrong expectations" when the BS is finally flushed down the toilet and you gotta accept "new light"

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    False Prophecies = anything not WTS prophesied

    Wrong Expectations = the expectations of the rank and file (and never something the WTS would do)

    The WTS does not prophesy. It pieces together a mosaic of divinely provided knowledge and finds certain patterns from the past that tell them what will come in God's due time. They are divinely inspired (although what the difference between divinely inspired and prophesied is clear as mud to me)

    so goes the line

  • Leolaia

    Show her this:


    "One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist." I forgot who said this. However it applies here. After all, when was the last time the Goobering Body ever admited an error?

  • Leolaia

    Or this:

  • Hellrider

    I believe I can answer your question on this. According to the WTS:

    I am so confused on this because I am wondering just what do JW's consider a "false prophet"?

    Answer 1: Any religious organisation that is not Jehovahs Witnesses.

    How do they make the decision on who is and who is not a false prophet?
    Answer 2: See answer 1.
  • EAGLE-1

    Remember New York is very close to Washington Dc and those guys can lie theirselves out of anything.Lots of pollution up that way I guess.Dumbs down the brain.

  • AlanF

    I suggest that you take a look at the extensive discussion of your question here:



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