Clyde seems to think that the WT a long time ago referred to sewing machines as a sign that the end was near. I don't remember.. Anyone here recall anything like that?
Sewing machines - a sign of the time of the end?
by Bonnie_Clyde 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Russell - Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2 - The Time is at Hand, p. ii
The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the six great thousand-year Days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great Seventh Day, the thousand years of Christ's Reign, began in 1873. The events of these 43 years, which this Volume claims as the beginning of the Millennium, we still find fully corroborating Bible prophecies, as herein set forth. During these 43 years, nearly all the inventions of our day have been accomplished. The sewing machine, one of the first, began to reach its perfection 43 years ago. Since then, we have all kinds of farming machinery and tools, and workshop, store, factory and home conveniences, in abundance and cheap--through human invention. These are shortening the hours of labor, and doing away with the "sweat of face," which the Bible declares to be identified with the curse.
That is crazy!!!
Where does he get his idea scripturally that inventions have something to do with the end times??????????????
You have a good memory Clyde - though that kind of nonsense would stick in a person's mind. hee hee hee
a Christian
Juni, You ask: Where does he get his idea scripturally that inventions have something to do with the end times?????????????? I think Rutherford most likely had Daniel 12:4 in mind. There Daniel was told that during "the time of the end" "knowledge will increase." Since we are now living in the "information age," with the Internet now providing most of us virtually limitless "knowledge, " I guess following such logic "the end" must now be very near. : )
Russell also used the "knowlege will increase" thing. But what he failed to do was read this verse it its CONTEXT and see that it is bible knowledge only. (specifically knowledge of the book of Daniel and its meaning) He tried to attribute it to sewing machines and locomotive trains, etc. I wonder what he would of predicted if he lived during the computer age? Any thoughts on this?
yep, that would seem logical, if we didnt live in dubland. the nwt. inserts the word; "true" in the passage from daniel. as in ; (true) knowledge will increase. meaning bible knowledge will increase! so, dont fret. the end is near, but the sewing machine has nothing to do with it.
Wasanelder Once
Sewing machines! Great Gawd ahmighty! What's cummin next frends? Its the work of the Debbil I tells ya. He's a'really stirring it up, aint he?
Yessirree. thing you know, everyone will have a tellyphone in thier horseless carriage.
1} "The events of these 43 years, which this Volume claims as the beginning of the Millennium," WRONG even by modern dub teaching
2} "we still find fully corroborating Bible prophecies, as herein set forth. During these 43 years, nearly all the inventions of our day have been accomplished" WRONG , laughably so.
It just shows he was no better than any other of mankind, who have been notoriously unable to foretell the future . Thats why I have less faith in the domesday merchants who still foretell calamity in a few years . You just never know..
But this man was presented as the "Faithfull and discreet slave", dispensing the "Lord's" food at the right time..
Sewing machines are practically computers now! The end must be in a few minutes!
I haven't GOT a sewing machine - do I need to rush out and buy one????? (should this be in the 'Questions From Readers' section?)