I think it's high time I do some sort of an introduction. I've been lurking on here for the past 5 months or so, and you guys have helped out a lot. I've posted a few times, but mostly just research I'd done, never really saying anything about myself.
I grew up a JW (I keep starting to write "truth" then have to catch myself--damn brainwashing) and faded in good standing, but never happier to be out, although I have gone through a little hell with my family and an old old friend, or I should say someone I thought was a friend, but to be honest nothing compared to what many of you have gone through, or are going through.
I've been out for about 6 months now, 12/2005 was the last meeting we went to, and thank god! I can honestly say I don't miss them!
About two months before that, one of our fellow posters on here told me his situation, and since he is a close friend I gave him the benefit of at least doing my own research on the points he was making. I thought that if it truly was the truth, it would hold up to being factually true. Well as they say...the rest is history, as we all know it does not hold up, and I found that the points he was making were in all factuallity, real truth.
I want to thank all of you for your posting, I was able to get a lot of quite a few of your threads, many of your threads helped point me in the right direction to do my own research. I also want to give special thanks to a couple of you that personally helped me out and made our fade almost impossible for anyone else to track in the cong. You of course know who you are.
I look forward to being more active with all of you on here now that I'm completely "inactive" elsewhere (not that they have my records anymore--).