Another lurker steps into the light! Welcome!!!
I grew up a JW (I keep starting to write "truth" then have to catch myself--damn brainwashing)
((((((((hug)))))))) don't worry, it gets better over time. When they have you as a zygote, they kinda get a running start on your programming. But that's okay, believe me anyone can break out of that mindset, if I can. I'm not that bright :) LOL
welcome to the, to posting! Keep at it, you'll help a lot of people without even knowing it. And while I'm on the topic *waves* hi, all lurkers! Been awhile since I've said anything to you all. Glad you're here!
(of the, "hey, take heart, if I got out with 5+ generations of my family in WT bondage, you can, too!" class)