anyone here know their IQ

by orbison11 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    When I'm tired, my IQ is dumb. When I'm really tired, it's dumber. So, I guess my IQ would be somewhere between average and dumber! BTW, what is considered average?

    When I was kid, I took one of those stupid tests. The test "revealed" that I had a "high IQ". They put me into advanced classes. This was one of the worse things that they ever could of done to me. At the time, I scored really high in word definitions/understanding, whatever? I was not a mathematical genius. So, I guess the rest is history...generally doing kids like that causes them to drop out of school...which I did. I did, eventually, go back and get a higher education. I guess my point is we can be "gifted" in different areas. I could go on and on about this. They did the same thing to my oldest daughter. Had her in "gifted" classes from the 5th grade. She rebelled. She hated being the only black kid in the classes. By the time she got to the 12th grade, she was trying to drop out. I had to, literally, threaten her to make her graduate.

    She was taught sign language and Spanish. She has retained some of that knowlege, but not all. She was very unhappy in school. She got teased by the other black kids, and she didn't fit in with the white kids. She became a loner...just like me!

  • looking_glass

    How about your emotional intelligence? It is with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essentialis invisible to the eye. "The Little Prince" Does anyone feel that they might not be the brightest bulb in the bunch but they have more common sense and emotional intelligence then most people they deal with?

  • rassillon

    Taking an IQ test as an adult is basically useless.

    It needs to be administered in a controlled way and the particular test has a focus age group.

    Only those scores gotten when tested at a young age are any help at all. Although I doubt they have any direct relation to "smarts".

    Mine is 170+ when I was in the 4th grade.

    It really only is to measure ones ability to learn not "how smart" you are.

    If you learn too fast you get really board with school and the lamo "normal" kid's pace and do poorly as a result. Which is what happened to me. My teachers hated the fact that I just didn't try. I would just ace tests and such.

    Well, I am better than most of you. HA HA HA....LOL JK...

  • orbison11

    yess msmcduckett

    i too skipped 2 grades when in elementary school,,what a horrible thing to do to a child,,,,screwed me up for life

    i am still trying to 'fit in' ,,,,be like the rest,,,imagine,,,15 in grade 12,,,,barely just got my first bra by then,,sheesh,,,all the other kids, were around 18,,,not a big age dif,,but then it was

    they had jobs, cars, etc

    ah to be young again...........

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    I used to be a member of Mensa and the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry which have entry requirements of 150 & around 172 respectively on the Cattell scale I think. I had no interest in either as I joined when I was 16 and was more interested in computer games, cars, girls, watching cartoons etc rather than meeting at a local pub to discuss highbrow stuff or trying to put the world to rights (I was too young for the pub at that point anyway)

    All I ended up with was a big collection of Mensa magazines and invites to IPSE AGM's. I was only in IPSE for a year because your membership was based on how much you got involved.

    I took a couple of IQ tests and scored 174 when I was 16 on the Cattell and 181 on Stanford Binet when I was 19.

    On the flip side I have no common sense whatever, I can be very shy and can only be the witty, gregarious guy some people know when I invent myself a character to be and live inside it until it becomes impossible to carry on the pretense (sociopathic tendencies maybe?). I can sometimes come across as arrogant and have never had a proper relationship or held onto a job for any period of time without quitting out of boredom or frustration. I am seeing a psychiatrist and am on anti-depressants.

    I am a greater part stupid than clever and my life has been more failure than triumph. I either wish I could have been an ordinary kid or had more encouragement to fulfill the potential I maybe had rather than devoting all my energies to 12 dudes in Brooklyn.

    Sorry for jabbering on, I'm a bit drunk on Glayva hic!
    It's good stuff though

  • jillbedford

    Tests done under age 18 are less accurate than those done as an adult.

    FYI my IQ is the same as my weight.......

  • DanTheMan

    LOL, this is almost like a "who here has the biggest c*ck" thread!

    Last Wednesday this guy who's in my Calculus class at Community College was bragging before class about his high IQ, it was really embarrassing! And when the instructor handed back our most recent quizzes, he scored 96, but I scored 100. I felt a little tempted to show him up, by I thought better of it.

  • orbison11

    interesting you would say that dan,,as i have a 'cookie'

    would that thence make it a 'who has the biggest cookie' thread :):)

  • Odrade

    Yup, I "know" my IQ. I know both my internet "I just took an IQ test" score, and my legitimate S-B score. (20 point difference.) I once took one of those internet "IQ tests" when I had a migraine. My score was about 60 points lower. HA! Why would I take an IQ test with a migraine? Not sure, I get a little garbled. Anyone watch "Boston Legal?" Did you see the one where Alan Shore makes "word salad?" Like that.

  • Mulan
    When I was kid, I took one of those stupid tests. The test "revealed" that I had a "high IQ". They put me into advanced classes. This was one of the worse things that they ever could of done to me.

    My grandson was given the test because he was so bored in school, and making lots of problems for himself. I knew the signs because the same thing had happened with our oldest son. I told my daughter, who passed it along to his teacher and principal. So, the school tested him. Since he scored as "very gifted", they moved him to the school, in the district, for the advanced kids. He is in 3rd grade and his math problems are wayyyyy beyond me. He is doing pretty advanced algebra. He reads on the high school level, and is being school according to his abilities.

    It's a good thing.

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