Is it just me

by MsMcDucket 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    Does it seem like a lot of people on the board who are active witnesses are being attacked? Is there a spy among us? Or am I just paranoid?

  • KW13

    mmm, dunno. obviously the site is watched but to what length and degree is anyones guess.

    Just keep doing what we do!

  • Kaput

    Just paranoid. BTW, who have you told about this site? Does anyone know that you post here? How many from the forum have you actually met? Have you received less than 10 PM's since you've been here? More than 10? Less than 50? More than a hundred?

  • MsMcDucket

    Hey, I'm not an active witness. I disassociated myself years ago. Right now, I don't care who knows that I post on here (One never knows how they will feel in the future.). And yes, I've told people that I post here. I've got more than 10 pm's. I'm just concerned about the other posters whom seem to be getting unexpected visits from "the elders".

  • ballistic

    I don't like the way someone arrives on the board saying they have a problem with masterbation and it gets first abuse (probably only intended as humour), then deleted in case it's just being posted for frivolity. Maybe they were genuine. We all know witnesses have problems in all those tabu areas.

  • Honesty


    The Borg will go to great lengths to maintain its power so anything is possible. The elders may be more in tune to 'apostate' comments now than they were 3 or 4 years ago due to the number of faders they have to contend with.

  • Kaput

    I was just kidding MsMcDucket....I probably should've thrown up a !

    Hey ballistic! What's with the new avatar? You looked better w/o the Michael Jackson surgery!

  • ballistic

    Isn't it stupid. I loved having my real picture there and a few apostababes sent me messages saying how sexy I looked. But alas I realise I have a mother who still talks to me as her innocent one. I had to do unfortunately what 95% of the rest of you have, and put a non-descript picture back. Anyhow, could still do with all the lovin if anyone's willing to give it.

  • Kaput

    Try this one...least he's got a nose.


  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    What we're seeing here is a few posters with very high profiles here finally getting caught out after taking the piss with the Borg for ages. Richie and Dan got what they always wanted, out. The way they've got out might not be they way they wanted to get out but the result is the same. Lola getting caught, coincidence, I've been on this board in one form or another for over two years and I've never seen a pic of Lola, she was unlucky, got spooked and jumped. The others that have been done recently were pretty low profile here. they didn't do anything that would have put them on the radar or provoked the WTBTS snitches which unfortunately lurk here. I guess their time was up.

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