Is it just me

by MsMcDucket 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    I know the risks, and designed my real pic to be only up for a couple of weeks. It's unfortunate to some it is seen as a risk to being known to fellow posters or an ex-jw. THIS IS NOT TRUE. The truth is we have too much to loose. Most people who don't host their real pic still talk to family or friends who would not otherwise if we were on this site. That is the truth.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Ballsey, a tip for you. In future when you put pics up don't host them on your own web space or at least put a blank index.htm file in the root. I was able to go through your site looking at all your stupid (stupid as in funny) pictures one boring afternoon. I came across pics of you and your mates on a pub crawl. If I can do it some other nosey bastard with a grudge could also do it !

  • ballistic

    Dr Jekyll, you just do that you might find my porn site, you can see me in every position you want. I make in calls as well if you're interested.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    lol you sick puppy

  • ballistic

    I can take you or leave you bitch.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    The offending picture was the map of a certain country showing the location of certain users living in that country, it lead me to your secret batcave where i was able to learn your secret identity, which town you live in and your perverted love of rolling down a hill in an inflatable ball lol

  • ballistic

    Yes, well doctor, do you know what my profession is? I am a Network Security Advisor. So... do I worry what poeple find on my web space? OBVIOUSLY NOT. But I may worry about an avatar that is viewable from a google search.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    lol its not me though, where do you think I found it !

    I had to get rid of the cartoon one because some tits from a dirt bike site started posting here. One of them started posting on that site using my carton avatar. As the mods from here were watching their site i thought it wise to change it to something else, hence this avatar.

  • ballistic

    Yeah well ok, you just think next time you think you know everything about them from their web space -eveything is carefully placed there. Even my best whore suprised me when I first met her.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Ballsey I never said that I knew everything about you. This started off as just a friendly warning that your webites a bit of a security hole for you. You posted that keeping your Id quite is important to you so I warned you about that weakness.


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