Lets say you went to a meeting, list what would irritiate you...

by JH 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronClaw

    The price of the F--king gas to get there.

    The Claw

  • Woofer

    Some of the deep Watchtower studies . . god, how boring.

  • delilah

    The pasted on smiles, when you know they can't wait to tear you to shreds when your back is turned....and they tell you" It's so good see you"....yeah, ok....

  • MinisterAmos

    A little Dub my daughter´s age who didn´t eat a birthday cupcake at school that day and wanted to let me know why.

    ¨Because my Daddy (MS Freak and considered VERY "spiritual") told me that Jehovah would kill my Mommy and my little sister if I did"

    I'm not kidding

  • upside/down

    ...my colon.


  • looking_glass

    Yeah, the judgmental thing drives me insane. But my biggest problem ... MEN you have a penis and you rule the world. Women you don't so sit down and service your husbands because you need to be in submission. Sorry boys, but I have a brain and I am going to use it and you JW men that are threatened by a women who can think for herself, you need to keep walking cause I ain't gonna put up with your BS.

    The best thing about being out ... I am woman hear me roar. Thank you Helen Reddie! I work in an industry that is 1950's mentality, but we are slowly working our way up and there are guys that I can go up to and say .. "you are a dick, knock it off" and they just laugh and respect me that much more.

  • lovelylil

    When they would thank the "faithful slave" for the spiritual food instead of Jesus Christ. This bothered me even more once I found out that the whole "faithful slave" thing was a complete sham anyway.

  • merfi

    • It starts with having to interrupt whatever I was doing... like on Sundays, SLEEPING.
    • Putting on spiffies -- I hate pantyhose (on the cusp of Gen X I guess). Slips went out of my wardrobe YEARS ago, TG. Hate heels.
    • Packing everyone and their little bookbags into the jeep (sometimes a mad rush to put doors and top on, too, if the weather's gotten bad).
    • Once AT the meeting, that pesky shunning thing sorta bites ass.
    • The whole meeting -- what irritates me is the droning on, the zoning out, the SSDD of the meetings. Like a different dimension of existance... zombies.... The elder's daughter's comments (that damn lisp bugs me, too)... the closet druggy/nympho who takes her 2yo out to smack at least every 15min... the MS with a negative IQ -- his comments are hard to describe, they just make me shudder... the elder who says "appreciate" in every.stinking.sentence.of.his.comment... my view from the back Row of the Damned where if I tip back enough, I can see out the foyer door windows and see what a nice day/evening it is and how I'd rather be out there....

    I think I just convinced myself that tomorrow is going to be yet another skipped "spiritual meal"...


  • upside/down

    merfi...THAT was funny...and TRUE!!!


  • jgnat

    Elders surreptitiously checking out my hemline.

    Parroted answers.


    Modulated tones.

    "Christendom's Churches bla bla"

    Love bombing and petting. I'm not a pet. I'm a human bean.

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