Lets say you went to a meeting, list what would irritiate you...

by JH 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    Just getting there was a pain in the patoot. I agree with merfi about pantyhose.

    I also found the socializing before and after the meetings hard sometimes....talking to people about the same old subjects: health, stupid service crap, health, the joys of being at the meeting, health...ugh!

    The usually boring "public" talk sucked too. You know, I could never remember what they said fifteen minutes after the talk was over. Guess I should have taken notes but that was another thing I hated doing.

    The worst, though, was the Watchtower "study". OMG! It got so that I just daydreamed through the whole thing. I seem to recall people making more intelligent comments years ago. At least they weren't simply parroting back from the paragraph the way I remember just before I dropped out. It seemed as though if someone had the gumption to give an experience or say something not printed in the danged magazine, the conductor would immediately restate the stupid question, obviously looking for a suitably mindless read-back answer. It was truly unbearable.

    The one good thing about the KH here was that there was an exit door in the overflow room. I'm sure it was there so DF'd folks could quietly slink away without having to expose the good dubs to their presence, but I found it an especially nice way to escape into the parking lot without having to endure disapproving stares or commentary from the "brothers" loitering by the front door.

  • cyd0099

    •The pretense of love.
    •The return of never feeling good enough.
    •Alowing a nearly illiterate man to read from the platform just because he suffers through more hrs. in FS than I do.
    •Nosy people.
    •Getting stares because of my hair, my growing beard and my piercings.
    •A little kid getting slapped because he can't sit for two hours with nothing to occupy his mind.
    •Canned answers.
    •No windows to look out of when my mind started to wander.
    •The exact same music all the time. I hated when it went to prerecorded music.We had some really good pianists when I was younger.
    •Getting lectured by several elders because I dared speak to a single sister™ before my divorce was final. (okay that was dredged up from the past, but it was still irritating.)
    •Seeing men in short sleeved shirts and ties.
    •Running over time. And then blaming the Holy Spirit™ for their inability to stick to an agenda. "Such a spiritual abundance for one meeting," was overheard.

    I have to stop now, I'm getting worked up. :)

  • heathen

    I agree with everything said so far . Also would like to mention I was so friggen sick and tired of the constant plea for money to pay off the million dollars they spent on the new kingdub hall and or the 100 million they spent on the new convention center . Then there was the more money for the CO and or the DO . I also didn't like whenever the person giving the talk could not speak clear english such as eubonics and various accents . All in all so glad I got out of it before I suffered like so many of you . I really was only a study anyway but just couldn't jump through their hoops . It took the web to really open my eyes to the situation.

  • outoftheorg

    At this point in my life??

    Just being there would irritate the hell out of me.

    All of it, every bit of it, sucks.

    Even if they are preaching something useful, it is delivered in a way that would irritate me.


  • White Waves
    White Waves

    looking_glass - You mean "service your husbands" figuratively, right?? Couldn't resist... Seriously - great post. This is my biggest frustration. Women are good for nothing in this cult but for being homemakers and pioneers... anything else and your faith is weak, dedication poor. God forbid you have ambitions of a career or being financially independant. God forbid you have a better job/make more money than your husband. I had several extremely intelligent and insightful friends at the KH and 2 repeated were "corrected" by the elders for trying to teach from the audience and then trying to "replace the organization's proper channel - elders - when encouraging others and just giving of their time to help people in non-religious matters, like going grocery shopping for a crippled elderly lady!! In the latter situation, the praise one friend was receiving was called "distracting from our true work - preaching." I was warned about these friends being a negative influence on me spiritually and interrogated about our conversations. I was so disgusted. I just quit commenting. These idiot elders were just plain threatened by women of intelligence, confidence and power. My husband beat the crap out of me, abused me verbally and played complicated games. The ELDERS would avoid me, not return my calls and tell me when I occasionally cornered one of them in the KH that my husband was my head, he speaks for the family, he tells them everything is fine. I tell them hubby laughs his butt off at how easy it is to con them. Elders tell me why would he lie?? DUH!!! Loved the canned "sheperding calls", too. Everytime it was the both mates are at fault, it is 50/50, let us pray. Why don't they just come out and say I begged for it and deserved it??? I could go on... but I'll spare you. Suffice to say - Elders do NOT care. It is all about protecting the organization not the person, especially not a woman or a child. It is about protecting their pitiful power and control attempts under the guise of "sheperding the flock" in their little kingdoms (HALLS). Lets face it - most of these elders would NEVER NEVER NEVER be in positions of authority in ANY OTHER WAY. AND I was an idiot too long, too late. My divorce will be final in a few months - thank you very much. But stalker husband still thinks we can work it out, if I make changes - not a chance! I got me a real man now. Talk about being "Blessed for my Works" :) I'll take this ANY day.

  • cheen

    Watching a part on the service meeting where the "very spritual" elder father and his family get up on the podium with all the big fake smiles and give a part on how happy he and his family are serving Jehovah, going out in service everyday. With half the congo knowing that this particular elder was a tyrant at home, abusing his wife and 2 kids mentally as well as physically and sexually. And no one ever said a word. I wish I had a voice back then. Please forgive me.

  • ferret

    The super (stupor) spiritual ones who give long winded comments to show how smart they are, there is a few in every crowd,

  • TresHappy

    I'll tell you what bugs me more than anything to this day - at the Watchtower study, how they would take a section of scripture and try to apply to them - how horrible things were and then in the end Jehovah would vindicate his people. It didn't matter what section of the Bible it was, they would screw it up to their advantage. Hence the name I call the WT Study - Twisted Scripture!

  • freedom96

    To me, by far, the worst was the WT study. Oh my, one hour never lasted so long. And I would get pissed when it went over by 5 or 10 minutes. It really seemed as though all meetings took forever. And I thought assemblies would never end.

  • Quentin

    Going...then being brain dead enough to stay...and yeah the WT study...always and I mean always someone who would hammer you about your choice of clothing, your hair...got harassed several times about how often I washed my car...like most of you I could go on and on...sadly, from what I've read on JWD, the meetings only got worse...

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