Just getting there was a pain in the patoot. I agree with merfi about pantyhose.
I also found the socializing before and after the meetings hard sometimes....talking to people about the same old subjects: health, stupid service crap, health, the joys of being at the meeting, health...ugh!
The usually boring "public" talk sucked too. You know, I could never remember what they said fifteen minutes after the talk was over. Guess I should have taken notes but that was another thing I hated doing.
The worst, though, was the Watchtower "study". OMG! It got so that I just daydreamed through the whole thing. I seem to recall people making more intelligent comments years ago. At least they weren't simply parroting back from the paragraph the way I remember just before I dropped out. It seemed as though if someone had the gumption to give an experience or say something not printed in the danged magazine, the conductor would immediately restate the stupid question, obviously looking for a suitably mindless read-back answer. It was truly unbearable.
The one good thing about the KH here was that there was an exit door in the overflow room. I'm sure it was there so DF'd folks could quietly slink away without having to expose the good dubs to their presence, but I found it an especially nice way to escape into the parking lot without having to endure disapproving stares or commentary from the "brothers" loitering by the front door.