Do you want to run, hide, confront??
What's Your Automatic Reaction When You See A JW Coming To Talk To You?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
I witness to them about Jesus before they offer the Paradise carrot.
I'll make my response sound like a line from Shakespeare - Something Unbecoming Cometh!
depends on my mood, I guess. I am definitely more of a non-confrontational person, but, if I'm in a certain mood, then I can become very "in your face confrontational". LOL............depends on my "bitch level" I guess. Also, I still live and work in the area that I am well known as a former popular elder's wife who was DF'd and dumped her husband. Of course, most of this information is a result of twisted grapevine gossip. Noone ever asked me what the real deal was.........although my close former GF's can probably put two and two together without letting the JW mind fuck interfere. Terri -
I don't mind arguing with them though that will get nowhere, one in the know has no need to fear them since most of their beliefs have serious flaws.
If they realise that one knows the Bible well and they can't win in their arguments they won't even say "we can ask one of our elders to come and explain that to you". -
I am polite and say no thank as I keep walking (they do street witnessing here). But I have found that since being here 10 years, that I can count on one hand how many JWs that are doing street work that have tried to stop and have a conversation with. AAAHHH you got ta love the Big City.
My exact thoughts, in my mind as I see them......
"Wow...she looks heinous. God, I don't have the time for this....keep smiling... keep smiling...she is coming this way. Hell, what's her name again?"
Lately, I've been feeling somewhat confrontational, so have been the first to make eye contact and the last to break eye contact with any JW I meet. As well, if I'm driving around, I'll be the first to wave with a big smile. THEIR stupid shunning rule, not mine.
I haven't been approached by any elders in the last couple months, so not sure how I'm going to handle that one. The last time one tried (it was 3 days after giving them my DA letter) he said "uh, Rachel? Can we talk to you after the meeting?" and I replied with "Probably not." (my heart was just pitter-pattering and in my throat at being so 'rude' to this Prince haha) He replied "'probably not' huh?" I said "right." and turned and walked away.... I don't think I breathed for another 10 seconds or so. I'd never stood up to elders before, and not that this was a huge thing, but it kinda was to me -- first step in breaking their control on me.
So... to answer the question, if it was a 'publisher' coming towards me, I would probably acknowledge them with a look, nod, whatever. If it was an elder, I'd be ready to stand up for myself. Bring it.
(just kidding, lol )
I witness to them about Jesus before they offer the Paradise carrot. I like the "Paradise carrot" thingy, Honesty. LOL. I don't even recognize them half the time, until they actually speak, then I just get through the niceties, and move on. I don't give them time to preach at me, but they just love to try and sneak those, "I'd wish you come back, you know the time is here now, we're about to enter that "ark", like Noah did," words in there. Besides, most have shunned me from the day I left anyways, so it's rare that anyone will speak if they do see me. I like it that way.