No reaction, I just smile, and say "What's up?" I'll talk to just about anyone.
I had a JW call the other day (phone witnessing) I let her give her spill, and at the end she mentioned the home bible study.
That's when i told her "been there done that" But we continued to talk about diffrant issues, I told her I had DAed myself,and I was surprised that she didn't try to end the conversation.
I'm getting ahead of myself, actually what happened before I told her I DAed myself, is, I asked her if she was calling from the local KH "yes" she answered, well I didn't reconize her voice, so I figured she was new to the cong. I knew she was using the phone book to make her calls and that she started with the letter "A" it just so happens, so does my name.
So I told her to show who ever was in the room with her my name, I could hear her talking with some one, But I don't know who.
any way she kept right on talking with me, and we actually had a very nice, but strange conversation.
Well as we conversed I realized, she wasn't your regular JW so I asked her if she was the COs wife, she said "no, but close",
she said a little higher, that she was the DOs wife. I'm not kidding, I started to laugh, I couldn't believe it, OH, and at that time I believe I was on this board talking with Gumby. ( you, Bastard ) LOL
We talked for probably, 20-30 min. was able to ask her opinion on certain issues ( U.N. involment and others ) No real answer or opinion.
But, all in all it was interesting to say the least.
So my reaction in most cases ( unless in a hurry or something) is I'll talk if they will, I have nothing to be ashamed of concerning what I believe.
I try to be friendly and helpful to everyone, that's my nature.
What's Your Automatic Reaction When You See A JW Coming To Talk To You?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
Reach for my
gundigital recorder. -
I feel no ill-will towards the JWs - at the lower levels...
If they come up to me and talk to me, that's fine.
I am known around here - by quite a few JW-folks... from waaaaay back when I was a wee lad.
Their usual way to start a conversation with me? "Do you remember me?"
I usually nod politely, and say, "Yes, I do. You're xxx, aren't you?"
If Some JWs come up to me - that don't know me - and start their preaching... I usually shut them down.
The local airport has an 'information booth' that a couple of 'pioneer' JWs man... or woman... and when I fly - I have to walk past them.
They may try to ask, "Want some reading material?" as I pass by... I just laugh hysterically. That seems to rattle them a bit. *wide grin*
Jim TX -
Depends on which JW it is; if it is a family member, I know that I am going to be chastized or quizzed; with non-family JWs it's up for grabs. I let them start the experience is that it is pretty much and health.
run?? nah!! confront 'em
Do you want to run, hide, confront??
I'd resist and say I'm not interested.
I am a marked man and they do not approach me. For this I am thankful.
Since I'm leading a double life of sorts to keep my jw family talking to me, most dubs don't know of my apostate leanings. They'll always approach me. But almost always its to ask some favour of me. A ride here or there. My vehicle and help every time someone has to move yet again. Any bloody yard, landscaping or maintenace work around the KH that most of the elders and MSs seem to skirt.
I wonder, are those mormons?
When I was in NYC yesterday, and I drove by the Kingdom Hall, I gave the KH the finger.